Chapter 19.

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   When you were not running for your life from ruthless Yunitides through Zavlon Academia's woods, they actually had a 'not bad' appeal to it. The aesthetic green nature of the environment was easy to get engrossed in. Especially when the person walking some steps ahead of you could be easily mistaken for an imaginary friend. You know, the kind you could 'see' but who couldn't—in this case, wouldn't—speak to you.

   The sounds of intermittent bird chirps and the gentle evening breeze harmonised with Dorian and I's footsteps crackling against dry leaves and twigs. The petals of the wild flowers that sprouted not too far from the earth beneath had closed up for the day. Various shades of green of the tall trees all around us were beautiful contrasts with the darkening blue sky. All was peaceful.

"You lied."

   Until that accusation from Dorian.

"Didn't you?" I huffed.

   I was hoping we could ignore the lies we each told about where we were at the Virtual Reality Dance since I wasn't giving him my real reason anytime soon. Now that he was coming for me though, what was I supposed to do?

   At the risk of sounding childish, he started it.

"You should've been affected," Dorian continued as though he hadn't heard my question. "Everyone else at the dance was and just like them, you had your Virtuo glasses on your head."

"So did you, Dorian." I said, quickening my pace to catch up with him. For some reason, him staring straight ahead when I faced him with a glare didn't faze or surprise me. "Yet here we are. Care to share?"

"That depends on whether you're willing to do the same." My silence to his response lowered his head into my eyes this time. "Figured as much."

"You know," He was further ahead again as I spoke. "I wouldn't have minded if you hadn't made me your accomplice under duress. I don't remember including you while giving my reason. Why couldn't you take notes from me? Why bring me into your lie?"

   My simmering anger turned into a boil at the shrug he simply gave.

"Okay, how about this?" he turned over with a sigh. "Why don't we just keep our actual reasons to ourselves?"

"Are you doing this to protect Rav? Is that it?"

   A soft gasp escaped my lips when his hand grabbed my arm in an unexpected grip. Even though his hold wasn't harsh or anything, I couldn't keep my rapid heartbeats in check as he looked directly at me, not letting go.

"Aarav has absolutely nothing to do with this." He seethed.

   So his reason for not being mind controlled had nothing to do with any syncing like mine. I took that as the only version of his truth he was ever going to let me know. Fine by me. That didn't mean I wasn't going to keep suspecting him though.

"As long as you keep all of this between us."

"Our not-so-little secret then." Dorian whispered, the mutual gaze we shared afterwards taking me back to Virtual Night Dorian.

   I instantly noticed that his hand still had a hold on my arm, creating a level of heat in that area that could be used as comfort in the chilly air.

"Good." I yanked my body away and focused on beating him at his speed-walking game this time. Hopefully, a few steps ahead of him would remind me of the shady liar I was dealing with.

   It worked.

   This wasn't over.

"So what materials are being used for the drones you'll be making to get into the school? D'you think you have enough?" He questioned after a few minutes of silence passed.

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