Chapter 101.

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   I shouldn't have been shocked by the familiar figure simply staring at us a few feet away. This situation, after all, would make it my second time today seeing someone I keow Speck-controlled and in that depressing red jumpsuit–he probably had some dramatic backstory for the choice in outfit.

   But I couldn't help how tense I was at the moment. Seeing this person made everything feel so surreal.

"Guys," Rav whispered, cautious eyes still latched onto the frame we all recognised. "I know we all love Minji and Cami, she's your cousin... but if she tries anything, we can't hesitate."

   As much as the image of Minji's face being punched in made me wince, he was right.

   The memories from our last encounter came rushing in. When she snapped at me for bringing up Mr. Sarcury's earlier meltdown. When I woke up to an empty classroom and eventually found her was going with other Zavolonians to what I thought was the Quarters, our lodge for Liberation Week. When I saw her eyes and began to realise the dark turn the day had taken.

   Minji had changed since then. The red jumpsuit was tight on her body. I wondered how she'd feel if she saw how much of her blue-hair dye had faded, riverting her hair to its standard jet black colour.

   For some reason, her eyes weren't dilated like the last time and I hated how my mind still wanted to believe it was my friend/classmate standing before me.

"We can't keep standing here," Rav added, even though he stayed rooted to his spot.

"I'm sorry it's taking me a minute to wrap my head around fighting my family Rav." Cami shot back.

   Minji, however, who suddenly broke into a run our way clearly didn't share the same sentiment.

   Camila, already in front of Rav and me, took slow cautious steps, the total opposite of her cousin's move, with her hands held up in what appeared to be surrender.

   My next breath hitched when Minji skidded to a stop just a feet away from Cami.

   We couldn't see her face when this happened, but I'm pretty sure Camila was taken aback just like we were. What did Minji's actions mean? Did she somehow recognize her cousin?

   As she locked eyes with Minji, Camila's raised hands lowered at a slow, cautious pace until they rested on Minji's shoulders.

"Hey," She said, with a tone so soft I could barely hear her. "Hey, Minji. It's me, Camila. And look!" Cami jerked her thumb toward us, but didn't take her eyes off Minji. "Our friends! Rav and Beth."

   Minji followed the direction of her thumb to stare at us. It was not easy maintaining eye contact. Her glance gave nothing away, but this was evidence she was listening to Cami and probably understood everything being said.

   This was a good thing, right?

"Okay, good." Cami nodded at Minji when her eyes flickered back to her. "Now, do you have any idea where Dorian–"

   It was as if his name was the trigger word she'd been waiting for. In less than a second, Minji created a space between her and her cousin by pushing Camila's hands off her shoulder. This threw Camila off guard and before she could regain her footing, Minji dropped to the floor, using her legs in a sweeping motion to take Camila down with her. Minji still doesn't give Cami a break. Her hands darted to her cousin's neck.

   Rav and I rushed toward them.

   As wrenching as this fight was going to be, it was clear that whoever we were dealing with here was not Minji. We couldn't keep hoping she'd come around.

   Just as I'm about to get to them, I feel the wind being knocked out of me as I'm yanked backward by a firm grip on my hair. An arm wound around my throat, suppressing the scream that I would have released.

   With my best efforts, I titled my neck to discover the culprit, only to be startled by the all too recognizable pair of eyes already looking at me.

   And unlike the last time, Talise didn't come to play mind games.

   Self-preservation overrode my love for her as I used my free hands to claw at whatever part of her body they could get to–which wasn't easy because my peripheral vision was quite limited.

   Her grip, however, was unrelenting– getting tighter in fact–and it was starting to take a toll on the stability of my vision due to the wave of dizziness clouding my head. My harsh attempts to ward her off were soon reduced to light slaps on her arms.

   In an instant, the air in the room rushed into my lungs as I felt the weight on my throat being lifted. While stroking my throat in an attempt to reduce the chest-deep coughs I'd broken in, I saw a passed out Talise against the wall on my left. On my right side was the reason why.


   He placed a hand on my shoulder asking me if I was okay. His other hand was being used to rub his own throat. And that was how my attention was drawn to another Zavolonian passed out not too far from us. A well-known face.

"Is that Viola?" I couldn't help blurting.

"She came out of nowhere," Rav's reply was hoarse.

"No. She didn't." I shook my head, as I surveyed the sides of our surroundings. "There are rooms behind these walls, just like Mr. Sacury's lab. If you and I want to know where Dorian is, we–"




"Where are Minji and Camila?"

"Minji and Cami–shit."

   We stared ahead, at the spot where Minji had taken her down just a few minutes ago.

"When-when i tried to get to her and Minji was when Viola attacked," he sputtered. "I couldn't– I didn't..."

"It's okay." I said, trying to ignore the fact that the hand I placed on Rav's shoulder gave my composure away. "We'll find her."

   The smile Rav sent my way was no doubt false and forced, but it still made me happy he was trying to make an effort. I let him pull me into a warm side hug.

   That second of vulnerability was all the time needed for everything to go downhill.

   As the painful impact of something heavy against the back of my head knocked me to the floor, Rav's slumping body beside me was the final image my eyes caught before closing shut.

A/N: 🫠

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