Chapter 14.

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   The main reason scientists shut down the DarkMatterxBeing project was never revealed. At least not by them. Years later however, there was a leaked article which detailed what exactly would happen if the normal matter that makes up our bodies is replaced with dark matter completely and the subjects.

   Now, though unknown to most, every human has some quantity of dark matter in them, but the results of this extremity were not pretty. In order not to bore you with all the science talk and to paraphrase some article, our cells and organs would no longer be held together because the dark matter which is now what makes up our bodies will disintegrate, spreading into various parts of the earth. But it doesn't stay that way. The particles finally find each other after quite a while and merge once more due to something about gravity.

   Even then, your body won't regain its original structure and your 'body' will keep returning to the spot where you were 'birthed' (first became dark matter) but a few metres further away from the exact place and... great, now I was boring myself.

   That's about the only thing I was able to understand...I think.

   But past studies have already shown that. Where it gets interesting is when the article revealed that more than the stated few had been subjects in the experiment. The numbers and people who were revealed were apparently the ones who did not die... or turn into all that I had previously mentioned.

   But why bring it up now?

   Because that was the current state of one of the subjects of that experiment, my teacher who had had a nervous breakdown just yesterday morning in the hallway, before this whole craziness. It was Mr. Sacury, emerging from the Virtuo Glasses in holotar form. Almost anyway. His hologram avatar looked like the effects I had just explained about in relation to dark matter. He had the form of barely composed vapour.

   So basically, a really messed up ghost.

"There's no other way to say this so I'm going to begin w-with the obvious problem." His disfigured face sighed in distress as he struggled to speak. "In five days, Zavlon Academia is going to be subject to a mass reprogramming of the mind and there is no-o-thing I can do to stop it. Believe me, I've tried but it's hard to work when yoo-ou-u're in this state and the only times you're allowed access to neutralizer medication is to help contribute to the definite tragedy that has probably befallen Zavlon while being cooped up in a depressing lab.

"If you get this message, then it is clear that the placement b-b-b-b-... didn't work. Not in yo-o- anyway. To be s-su-sure, however, please touch the sides of your head, particularly the temple areas."

I    flinched at the dull ache which arose when my fingers found my left temple then breathed a sigh of relief when I felt nothing else.

"Now listen to what I'm about to tell you very ca-ca-refully," he continued talking in stutters and glitches. "This goes beyond a bunch of teenagers being mind-controlled. Unfortunately, I was never able to access the whole vision behind this, but I know this isn't going to remain within the walls of Zavlon Academia. It couldn't if it wanted to and those who are involved are well-aware of that. Mainly wants the spread to happen. This is not only a threat to the average Zavlonian, but humanity as whole. As you can see, personally, I cannot do anything to stop this tragedy. They have me trapped in their lab where I'm watched almost always. In my other lab which no one—except you, of course – knows about, however, are subtle clues to lead you to what can stop this. This lab, situated also within the walls of Zavlon, is still at the risk of being found and I don't want to elaborate on how key it is that you find it first. I don't know who's hearing this, but I know you are not a victim to all this for a reason. I'm only going to mention the lab's location o-on-onc-"

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