Chapter 57.

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   Written right next to the underlined term, 'Possible Solutions' in Rav's intern friend's data report about Apex Vision cameras were the two words.

   Blind Spots.

   Of course! If Talise could take advantage of the camera's blind spots. Turns out we still had a chance of pulling this off after all the unexpected issues that surprised us—

   But wait.

   The cameras we were dealing with were the 360-Degree Angle kind. Cameras like that captured virtually every range. I mean, it was in the name for goodness sake! 360-Degree Angle! What on earth was Rav's intern friend talking about?

   Rav needed to talk his parents into firing this guy.

"Is your friend sure this is data on Apex Vision Cameras?" I asked as Cami, Dorian and I disrupted the circle we'd formed around Rav by reverting to our previous positions.

   Looking over to Camila and Dorian's faces, it was clear I wasn't the only one plagued with disappointment.

"He just texted that he's well-aware of the cameras' three sixty degree angle capabilities, if that's what you mean," Rav said, lifting his gaze from his phone's screen.

"Maybe he should have added the spell that we would need to reveal these cameras' blind spots," Each word Camila retorted dripped with sarcasm. "Since the only way we'll find out is obviously through magic and lucky for us, we have bloody Dumbledore on our side!"

"Relax," Rav replied, shooting her an eye roll. "Let me call him."

   As Rav held the phone to his ear, I caught a glimpse of the time on its screen. If I wasn't mistaken, it was less than fifteen minutes before Talise and the other Visitors at Zavlon went on their thirty minute lunch break.

   That intern better explain how Talise could safely use the so-called 'blind spots' these cameras had fast.

   Maybe this idea of sending Talise to Zavlon was great before, but with the presence of the Zavolonians instead of Edna, no solo tour, plus the cameras, we'd been completely sidetracked.

   If we were worried about Talise being in danger then, what could we say now? The school's cameras, with one wrong move, could capture her if she tried escaping the group. And if that happened...

   It took a stinging sensation in my palms for me to realise that my hands had tightened into tight fists this whole time.

"Guys, gather around. I'm putting him on speaker phone," Rav said, placing his phone on the table before addressing the intern on the other end of the line, "Go on, Dave."

"Hold on. Unmute our mic for Talise to listen too," Cami told him.

   After doing so and explaining to Talise what was about to happen, the quiet atmosphere that followed had a twinge of eagerness as we braced ourselves for what Dave the intern had to say.

   Dave began by stating what we practically knew already. The cameras currently had no blind spots. But it didn't have to stay that way.

   According to him, we were going to create blind spots of our own.

"How, though?" Camila mused.

   He mentioned how the data provided by the Hooda Security system included that Apex Vision cameras had certain system vulnerabilities.

   Vulnerabilities that gave Dave the opportunity to hack into the cameras.

"This is where the blind spots come in," The intern's croaky voice got louder.

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