Chapter 92.

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   The alien was right. Mr. Sacury's lab was basically what we needed to find the secret lab where the antidote was hidden. The question was, why bring us here? Was it simply to rub our noses in that the Yunitides had gotten to the only thing that could save everyone first? But all they had to do was show us the antidote in their possession–or whatever was left of what they'd most likely destroyed. They didn't need to keep us here.

   My mind flickered to the conversation we'd had with this Yunie before we were shocked by the revelation of where we were.

  Wait, the Yunie mentioned how he was helping us by putting us here and giving him...

"...what we both want!" I found myself saying out loud. My eyes grew wide as everything he said suddenly made sense now. "Of course!"

"Beth?" Dorian stared at me with a bewildered look similar to that of the others.

"They only know about the antidote," I said, "but they don't have it. The lab is the only thing they have access to, which is clearly, well..." I gestured to the bare room. "...nothing."

"That's why we were brought here. They've been waiting for us all along to get into Zavlon." Camila shook her head as the truth began to unfold before her eyes. "They think we know where the antidote is."

"I'll admit, Sacury did a really good job in keeping it hidden." Alien Mr. Speck's voice turned sour. "But he should have thought about doing the job himself instead of leaving it in the hands of some teenagers I barely lifted a finger to bring here. Now that you're all up to speed, here's what's going to happen; no one is leaving this room until you've found what we're looking for. Before you decide to come up with some stupid predictable plan to escape, I'll have you know that all your weapons were confiscated before you were brought here."

   For the first time since we'd been here, everyone instantly reached for the various pouches scattered on our body armour. Sure enough, my hand found every single one empty.

"And," The alien proceeded, each word sounding more taunting than the last. "even if you somehow find your way out, there are more than fifty Yunitides outside these walls, thirsty for blood."

"We don't even know where the door is!" I wanted to scream.

"So you might as well start searching now."

"There's nothing here!" Rav snapped, running a frustrated hand over his head.

"That's what Mr. Sacury wanted us to think when we tore this place apart after his departure," the Yunie scoffed. "But I refuse to believe he sent out those secret messages for nothing. Seeing as this is a life or death situation, I suggest you get to search before it becomes the latter."

"Did you just threaten to kill us?" Landon's jaw dropped.

"Nothing or one is going to stop–."

"Your sick idea of an alien invasion?" Dorian's harsh query cut off the alien's response. "It's species like you that will contribute to this world's already brewing hatred for aliens!"

"Humanity will show me nothing but gratitude by the time I'm through with every single one of them!" It snapped back at Dorian with equal rage. "This twisted, corrupt world has gone on long enough!"

"A few bad eggs?" Landon shook his head. "That's your reason for all this?

"The reason for all of this is far greater than any of you could comprehend." Mr. Speck's reply held a sneer of contempt.

"What could possibly be your excuse for enslaving so many minds?" I asked.

   The room stayed silent for a while before my question was finally answered. At least that's I think that's what this alien was doing...?

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