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I woke up in the Hospital wing. The morning sun shined on my face. I felt a hand holding onto mine. I looked to my side to see Remus.

"Remus, what happened? Where's Sirius?" I asked.

"He escaped, thankfully. Dumbledore is helping him find a place to hide", Remus said.

I sat up. "Why do I feel like there's bad news?" I asked.

"Word got out that I'm a werewolf. So I've decided to resign", Remus said.

"You're a great teacher. I wish you could stay here", I said.

"Perhaps one day, we will see each other again. I should get back to packing my things", Remus said. He got up and walked out of the Hospital wing.


A few weeks passed. Instead of going home with Dad, I was going to go to my new home which I shared with a friend I met during my Auror Training.

I got off train with the Hogwarts students. I saw a familiar black dog behind all the parents and siblings waiting for their kids. I followed the Black dog out of the train station. He led me to an alley.

The Black Dog turned into Sirius. I couldn't help, but hug him. I hugged him for a long time. Finally, I let go.

"Sorry. I've just been worried about you. I'm just glad you're safe", I said.

"Well, I'm still on the run", Sirius said.

"Yeah...there's that. But I'll find a way to clear your name. I work as an Auror now. I'll find a way to prove to the Ministry that you're innocent", I said.

"I don't want you to loose your job".

"If my job wants to fire me for helping an innocent, then my job can screw themselves. I'll be careful as long as you're careful. Deal?" I asked. Sirius nodded.

"Deal", he says.

"Before you go, I wanted to ask, why didn't you let me leave the Shrieking Shack? I believed you when you told me your story, so if you didn't want my help, why not let me go?" I asked.

"It was nice to have someone to talk to again. I was sick of being alone", Sirius said.

"I think you should learn how to be specific about what you say and explain why you do what you do", I said.

"I'll keep that in mind".

I gave him a box of Bertie Botts Every flavour beans and a package of cauldron cakes.

"Just promise me you'll write when you get a chance to. Even if I can't write back", I said.

"I promise", Sirius said.

"I should get going".

I gave Sirius one last hug. "I'll see you again soon, Haylie", Sirius said.

"I'll see you again", I said.

I let go of Sirius and walked out of the alley, heading to my new home.

What shouldn't have beenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ