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On the day of Bill and Fleur's wedding, I woke up only to find Sirius had already woken up. I heard him speaking to Tonks and Remus.

"What are we talking about?" I asked.

The three of them jumped. "Good morning", Tonks said.

"Morning", I said. "I know it's too early to start worrying, but I really want to know. Do you guys think I'm a traitor like my family?"

"No. Of course not", Tonks said. She sat next to me. "I think we all know more about you than we did Lila and your Dad".

"Do you think perhaps she was forced?" Sirius asked.

"I don't know", I said. I put my hand on my stomach. Sometimes I forget that I'm pregnant. It's hard to process.

"Are you alright?" Remus asked.

"Yeah. It's morning sickness", I said. "I have something to tell everyone and you, Sirius. I'll tell you after the wedding".

I was starting to untie my robes, but Tonks stopped me. "Haylie! You're not getting undressed in front of us", Tonks said.

"What? It's nothing Sirius hasn't seen before", I said. Tonks, Sirius and Remus looked at me in surprise. Remus and Tonks looked at Sirius. "Would you relax? I have a shirt under here".

Tonks sighed with relief. She looks at Sirius and Remus. "Get out. We have to get ready", Tonks said to Sirius and Remus.

Sirius and Remus walked out of the room. They closed the door. Tonks looked at me.

"I'll tell Remus if you tell Sirius. Deal?" Tonks asked.

I nodded. "Deal", I replied.


Tonks and I were getting ready for the wedding. After she had put on her dress, I put on mine.

 After she had put on her dress, I put on mine

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We heard a knock on the door. I opened the door. Remus and Sirius were already ready.

"Well, you look dashing", I said.

"Really? I thought it was a bit too much", Sirius said.

"You both look great", I said.

Tonks came to the door. She accidentally bumped into me. "Sorry Hayles", Tonks said.

"Totally fine".

"You look great", Sirius said.

"Thank you", Tonks said when I had opened my mouth to speak. I looked at her. "That was meant for Haylie, wasn't it".

"You look great as well", Remus said. He kissed Tonks on the cheek.

"Let's go, Let's go", I said. I grabbed Sirius's hand. We went downstairs. Tonks and Remus followed behind us.

We got downstairs when Ginny, Ron, Fred and George ran towards us. The four of them grabbed me.

"Come on, Haylie", Ginny said.

"Where are we going?" I asked. They led me away from Sirius, Tonks and Remus. "Where are you taking me?"

"We're about to take the family photo", Ron said.

I saw Molly, Arthur, Bill and Fleur standing outside, in front of a camera. Ginny, Ron practically pushed me out the door. Fred and George did the same to Harry. I caught Harry before he hit the ground.

"Everyone's out here?" Molly asked. "Where's Charlie?"

"Here, Mum", Charlie Weasley said.

I realized what was happening. They wanted me and Harry to be apart of the family photo.

"Is everyone ready?" Arthur asked.

Snapping out of my shock, I stood next to Ginny and Ron. Everyone smiled and the camera flashed.


Me and Tonks arrived at the wedding. We watched as Bill and Fleur got married. Then, we danced during the party.

Tonks and I danced together, but we both tried to take it easy since we were both pregnant.

I caught Remus standing at the side. He was staring at Tonks. I looked at Tonks. "That's my cue", I said. I pushed her towards him. Remus caught her before she hit the ground.

I felt a hand grab mine. I turned to Sirius. "May I have this dance?" He asked.

I nodded. We danced to the music. "I can't wait to dance with you at our wedding", I said.

"Have you decided when you want to have the wedding?" Sirius asked.

"Yeah. After loosing Mad-eye, I just couldn't think about loosing you. I want us to get married next month", I said. "It won't be a June wedding".

"It will still be perfect", Sirius said.

"Yeah, but Dad won't be there", I said.

"I'll find him then. If you want him to walk you down the aisle, I'll find him for you", Sirius said.

I smiled at him. As I grew up, I imagined that having a boyfriend would be a nightmare. But I guess it depends on who you're with. I'm glad I had Sirius. He's a good man...and he deserves to know the truth. If we're going to get married, we need to be truthful with one another.

"I have something to tell you", I said. "Sirius, I'm-"

A blue light shot into the tent. Everyone gathered around it. "The Ministry has fallen", the voice said. It was Kingsley. "The Minister of Magic is dead. They are coming. They are coming".

Everyone started panicking. Me and Sirius grabbed each other's hand. "I came prepared", I said, pulling out my wand.

"Get Tonks out of here", Sirius said to Remus.

A Death Eater landed between us. I went flying backwards. More Death Eaters landed in the tent. 3 landed in front of me.

"Sectumsempra!" I shouted.

"Haylie!" I heard Sirius shouting.

"Sirius!" I shouted.

I saw him run towards me. Two Death Eaters grabbed him. They turned into a puff of Black fog and flew away with him.

"Sirius!" I shouted. The Death Eaters beside me, grabbed me and flew away.


Sirius and I were taken to a mansion. The Death Eaters threw us into a dungeon. They threw a pile of clothes in front of our feets.

"Get dressed", The Death Eater said. He walked out of the room and slammed the door.

"Thank you for the clothes", I said awkwardly. Sirius gave me a look.

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