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I laid in bed, waiting for Sirius. He came into the room. "I'll be in bed in just a minute", Sirius said.

"I want us to talk", I said. "I want to have THE talk".

"The talk? Is that a code?" Sirius asked.

"I want to have THE talk. About having children", I said.

Sirius looked at me. "We're having this talk now?" He asked.

"I know we're not married yet, but we've already discussed the future we want to have together. This is just a...add on", I said.

"Alright. We'll have the talk. Is this because of what Molly said?" Sirius asked.

"Honestly, I didn't put much thought into it until Molly mentioned it. Since then, I thought about it everyday. Us, having a kid. A baby boy or a baby girl. I've given it a lot of thought and I want us to have children", I explained. "Or adopt children. The option to adopt Grawp still stands. Or we can adopt Neville or Luna or Harry. Or all four of them".

"Firstly, where would they all sleep?" Sirius asked.

"Harry could sleep in your old bedroom, Luna and Neville could sleep in one of your family's old rooms and Grawp could sleep with Kreacher", I said.

"No one sleeps in Kreacher's room. Only Kreacher sleeps in Kreacher's room", I heard Kreacher grumbling from outside the room. Then, I heard a door slam.

I don't think he likes that idea.

"Secondly, We can't have children or adopt at a time like this. Haylie, I want us to have children, but I don't want them to live in a world with Voldemort", Sirius said.

I nodded. "I understand", I said. "We might not survive what's to come".

"I know", Sirius said. He got into the bed with me. "But we might. I can't promise you we'll survive, but we will try to stay alive for as long as we can. And then, we can have as many children as you like".

"Even 10?" I asked. I actually wanted 1 or 2 kids. I only said 10 just to tease Sirius.

"Okay. Slow down", Sirius said. I smiled.

I scooted closer to him. We kissed each other.


Sirius and I went back to Hogwarts. Of course, Sirius had to travel as the dog, Padfoot.

When we got into the Room of Requirements, Sirius presumed his human form.

We sat in a circle with Dumbledore's army. "We have no idea where Pettigrew is", I said as I put a braid in Sirius's hair.

"Last we saw him, we scared him into giving us a cure for the poison that went into Haylie", Sirius said.

"You were poisoned?" Dean Thomas asked.

"I was, but I'm okay now. I'm alive", I said.

"When did you have your first kiss?" Lavender asked.

"I had told Sirius about this dream that I had. About us. I told him I wished it was real. So, when I was poisoned, he didn't want me to feel miserable so we kissed", I said.

"If Sirius was with you, who found the cure?" Pavarti asked.

"Should we tell them about the Order?" I whispered to Sirius. "They may be able to help us from time to time. Look what they're doing here".

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