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Lila ran inside. I hugged her tightly. "You're alive!" I shouted with relief. I let go of Lila and punched her in the arm.

"Ow!" Lila shouted.

"Don't pull off something like that again!"


"I thought I lost you!"


"Do you think it was easy? Believing I had lost you and then Dad".

"Harry and I were Horcruxes", Lila said. I looked at her in shock. "We had to die. And now, you have to help him defeat Voldemort. You're apart of the Prophecy".

"I don't think I can do it", I said.

Lila pulled me to the wall. I barely missed the killing curse that was shot at me.

The Death Eater flew backwards when Sirius hits him with a stunning spell.

"Yes, you can", Sirius said.

"Haylie, look at me. I have looked up to you my whole life. You could do the impossible", Lila said.

"That's the thing, Lila. Those were children's dreams. I'm not as strong as you think", I said.

"Yes, you are. To me, you are strong. To me, you are everything to me", Lila said.

I heard a explosion behind me. I turned around. I saw Bellatrix screaming in excitement and jumping up and down.

"Bella!" Me, Lila and Sirius shouted. She looked at me.

"We talked about this. No explosions", Lila said. Bellatrix rolled her eyes.

"We'll give you time", Sirius said to me. "You can do this".

Death Eaters ran towards us, firing spells. Lila, Sirius, Trixie, Remus and Tonks steps in front of me.

"Haylie, go! We'll give you some time!" Tonks shouted.

I ran to find Voldemort. I found Ginny and Luna dueling with 2 Death Eaters. Next to them, Fred and George were dueling a Death Eater.

I ran as fast as I could. I pulled out my wand and fired at two Death Eaters. "Sectumsempra!" I shouted. The Death Eaters fell to the ground with a pool of blood surrounding them.

I ran out into the Courtyard. I saw Harry and Voldemort land in the Courtyard.

I ran towards Harry. "Haylie. You can't be out here. He'll kill you", Harry said.

"No, he won't. We can do this. Together", I said.

I gave Harry his wand. Voldemort picked up his wand. Voldemort turned around and shot a spell toward us. At the same time, Harry casted a spell.

Their wands were...connecting.

The red and green magic touched, creating what looked like a magical yarn.

I shot a spell as well, connecting my wand to Harry's and Voldemort's. For a long time, the connection remained.

The three of us fell to the ground in exhaustion. I felt blood trickling down my face.

"His Horcruxes...they're all destroyed", I realized. I don't know how, but I could feel it. Harry and I looked at each other. We looked at Voldemort.

The three of us fired a spell. But mine was different. I conjured blue magic. Lightning came out of it and hit Voldemort.

Finally, Voldemort's wand flew out of his hand. It landed in Harry's hand.

I blasted a spell at Voldemort which made him explode into pieces of dust.

I sighed heavily. "We really just did that?" I asked. Harry nodded. I looked at Harry.

"You were apart of the prophecy?" Harry asked. I nodded.

"We both were".

"You did good, Haylie", Harry said.

"So did you", I said. I hugged Harry. "I'm proud of you".

I wasn't one to believe in Prophecies, but I'm glad this one came true.

I walked towards where Voldemort was standing a minute ago, but I took one step and then fell to the ground.

"Haylie!" Harry shouted.

"No, no. It's fine. I'm fine. Don't help me up", I said. I stood up and sighed heavily. "I just need some sleep. Let's get inside, shall we? You might have to support me. Oh, I miss my bed. I can't wait for nighttime. Or go home time".

And I continued talking about how tired I was until we got to the Great Hall.

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