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Me and Mad-eye met up with Remus and Tonks in Knockturn Alley. I was wearing my disguise, which I was uncomfortable with wearing.

"Can I wear a jacket? My breast are showing", I said, crossing my arms over my chest

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"Can I wear a jacket? My breast are showing", I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"We didn't bring one. And besides, if you're going to get answers from that man". Tonks pointed at the man behind the counter in Borgin and Burkes. He looked to be about 23. "You need to dress the part. Research says that he likes hot women", Tonks said.

I sighed in frustration. "I don't see why you can't wear this dress, but fine. This is ridiculous", I said.

"You look great. You'll do great", Tonks said.

I walked towards the door. I looked back at Tonks, Mad-eye and Remus. "You think I'm hot?" I asked.

"Haylie, get inside", Mad-eye said.

I walked into Borgin and Burkes. I looked at the shelfs. I pulled down the back of my dress.

I looked at the 23 year old man behind the counter. "Mr. Burke is not here", he said.

"That's fine. I'm not looking for Mr. Burke. Show me your good stuff", I said in a flirty tone.

I was disgusted by myself.

The young man pulled out a bottle of green liquid. "This, here, is Venenum. It's Latin for-"

"Posion", I finished his sentence. The man smiled.

"Yes. At first, you'll think, 'everything's fine. My body is healthy'. Until 2 weeks later when you puke blood. Your body feels weak after that. And you slowly die for 42 hours. Finally, your heart stops. And the best part is, if you take Wiggenweld Potion, it'll make you explode", the man said.

I forced a smile. "Sounds intriguing", I said even though I wanted to run out of this shop.

The man puts the bottle aside. I tried to build up my confidence. I smiled. "You're a pretty boy", I said.

"You're a pretty lady", the man said.

I got onto the counter. The man puts his hands on my waist. "You should be in charge of this place. You'd get way more customers", I said.

The man smiled. "Well I got you. That's all that matters", the man said. He leaned closer to me, puckering his lips.

There's no way I'm kissing this man.

I winced when I felt a sharp pain. I looked at my abdomen. The man had a knife in his hand. There was slice on my dress. The blood from my abdomen stained my dress.

"I know who you are", The man said. I looked behind him to see Peter Pettigrew. He walked closer to us.

"You", I growled.

The man pushed me off the counter. I landed on the hard ground. Mad-eye and Remus came into the shop, pointing their wands at the man and Pettigrew.

As Tonks ran in, she tripped on her own two feet and fell. She got up quickly. "I'm okay. I'm okay", she said.

Pettigrew ran out of the shop. The man tried to follow him. "Oh no you don't", Mad-eye said. He pointed his wand at the man and knocked him unconscious with a nonverbal spell.

"I'll get Mr. Flirty", Tonks said, walking over to the unconscious man.

"I'm getting Peter", Remus said. He ran after Pettigrew.

I got up while covering my wound with my hand. "I'm going to help Remus", I said, following Remus and Pettigrew.

"Haylie! Haylie!" Mad-eye shouted.

I pushed the back doors open. I ran after the two Marauders. Pettigrew had reached a dead end. He turned into a black fog and flew away.

"Damn it", I said.

Remus looked at me. "We need to stitch up that wound", he said.

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