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3 months later

I was in a room with Dumbledore's Army and Jaden Pettigrew. After hearing about his father's abuse, I thought Jaden could stay with me for a while.

"Are you sure it's a girl?" Jaden asked. He laid his head on my baby bump.

"Madame Pomfrey confirmed it. It's a baby girl", I said.

Neville came out of the secret entrance to Hogsmeade. Sirius followed behind him.

"Happy Christmas, everyone", Sirius said.

"Happy Christmas", Everyone said. Sirius walked over to me and Jaden. He looked at Jaden with uneasiness, but also anger.

I knew he could see Peter in Jaden, the side of Peter which Sirius was friends with.

I know he was trying to be nice to Jaden, but I had to remind him that Jaden isn't Peter.

I gasped in surprise. "What's wrong?" Sirius asked.

"Nothing", I said. "Baby Princess gets her aggressiveness from me".


Everyone gathered around me. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Everyone take a step back", I said. Everyone stopped walking. I didn't want them to trigger my anxiety. "The baby's fine. I'm fine". There were sighs of relief. "Don't give me anxiety. Although, now that I have everyone's attention, we need to discuss the situation with my sister".

"I tried to speak with her, but she really thinks that being a Death Eater is the only way to save you and Fred and the baby", Ginny said.

"Well that's not working out, obviously. I'm still trapped here", I said.

"It's not just you she's trying to help. It's Fred too", Ginny said.

"Voldemort is trying to use our weaknesses against us", I realized.

"I mean, it's no surprise. He's a villain", Neville said.

"Very true", I said as I yawned. "Sirius, will you meet me in my room?"

"Yeah, sure", Sirius said.

Sirius got out of the room by using the secret entrance. I used the door. When I got to my room, Sirius was already waiting by the window.

I opened the window. He came inside my room. "Are you sure we can trust Jaden?" Sirius asked.

"He's not like his Dad. Sirius, he's just a boy", I said. "And I think, our daughter would like to have a brother in her life".

"You want us to adopt him?" Sirius asked.

"He doesn't have a father who's nice to him. I believe that if you raise him and treat him like a son, he won't end up like Peter", I said.

Sirius sighed. "I don't know the first thing about raising a son", Sirius said.

"Well, neither of us know the first thing about raising a daughter", I said.

He nodded. "I guess you're right", Sirius said. "But I don't know, Haylie. What if we're wrong? What if Jaden does end up like Peter?"

"Peter doesn't treat him with love. You have to remember what it was like when your father treated you horribly. You turned out nothing like him. Do you think any boy deserves the treatment your father gave you?" I asked.

Sirius looks at me longingly. Finally, he sighed deeply. "You make a great point", he said. "It wouldn't hurt to give him a chance".

A few minutes later, Jaden came into the room. Sirius sat next to me on the bed. "Hey Jaden. Sirius and I have something we want to say", I said.

"We know you don't really have a father who's kind to you and since Haylie and I already have a child on the way, we thought..."

"Can I live with you?" Jaden asked me and Sirius.

"If you want to. You can escape with us once the baby is born", I said.

"What if the Death Eaters stop me from going with you?" Jaden asked.

"Then, we'll find a way to get you. And Lila", I said.

"Am I a bad guy?" Jaden asked.

"No. Why would you say that?" Sirius asked.

"My Dad is bad. At first, you thought I was bad", Jaden said.

"Jaden, the world isn't split into two. We've all got both dark and light inside of us. What matters is the part choose to act on. That's who truly are", Sirius said.

Sirius hugged Jaden. I felt tears threatening to come out.

Mood Swings.

I joined in on the hug. We were like one big family. Me, the boys and our little girl.

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