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I was woken up in the middle of the night. "Haylie! Get dressed quickly! We have to get to Hogwarts immediately".

I got up and quickly put on an outfit.

We both disapparated

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We both disapparated. We got to Hogwarts as quickly as we could. We saw part of the Order and Dumbledore's Army dueling Death Eaters.

Sirius and I joined in on the fight. I pointed my wand at a Death Eater. "Baubillious!" I shouted. Lightning strikes the Death Eaters, sending him flying onto the ground. I pointed my wand at another Death Eater. "Rictusempra!" The Death Eater weakened with laughter.

Sirius looked at me in shock. "When you have a father like mine, you know a lot of spells", I said. I pointed my wand at a Death Eater. "Brachiabindo!" I shouted. The Death Eater fell as ropes magically wrapped around him, choking him.

"Remind me never to piss you off", Sirius said to me.

I looked around and saw no sign of my Dad. There was no way he didn't know what was going on.

"Where's my father?" I asked Neville.

"I don't know", Neville said while he was dueling with a Death Eater.

I ran towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. "Haylie, wait!" Ginny called out after me, but I continued running.

I made it to the classroom, it was empty. I walked out of the classroom to see Dad walking towards the Astronomy tower.

What is he doing?

I followed him to the Astronomy tower. I looked back when I heard fighting behind me.

I turned around to see Dad was gone. I ran towards the Astronomy tower. I got to the Astronomy tower to see my father, Dumbledore, Draco Malfoy, Fenrir Greyback and Bellatrix Lestrange. Dad had his wand pointed at Dumbledore.

"Severus...please", Dumbledore said. Everyone looked at my father. There was silence.

"Avada Kedavra", Dad said. His blast hits Dumbledore, sending him falling out of the Astronomy tower.

I clasped my hands over my mouth. I wanted to scream, but I held it in. I felt a sort of numbness.

I just watched my father, the man who raised me, kill someone. He killed Dumbledore. Dumbledore, of all people. How could he?

Dad turned around. He spotted me. I didn't know what to do. The first idea that popped in my head was to run. So I did.

"Haylie!" Dad called out after me.

I ran as if my life depended on it. Breathing heavily, I made my way back to the fight.

Something hit me on the back. I fell to the ground. I turned around and saw my father.

"Haylie", Dad said.

"How could you?" I asked, tears filled my eyes. Dad took a step closer to me, but I stopped him by shouting, "Don't come near me! Tell me why you did it. He trusted you! I trusted you, Dad".

I said the last sentence with tears and voice breaking. "I'm sorry, little one", Dad said.

"Snape!" Harry shouted behind him.

Father grabbed Draco Malfoy. Dad glanced at me sadly before he walked past me.

I got up. I would've went after them, but I was knocked back down again with a hit in the back. I felt a excruciating pain as I fell to the ground.

I clutched my stomach. I got onto my back to see Fenrir Greyback walking towards me.

I scooted away from Greyback. I found myself uneasy and unable to think.

Nothing traumatized me more than watching my father, the man who taught me everything and treated me with kindness and love, kill someone.

Fenrir grabbed me. His sharp fangs stabbed into my neck. I shrieked in pain.


Fenrir looked up only to get kicked in the face. Sirius grabbed me and pulled me away from Greyback.

Another blast hit Greyback, sending him running off.

"Are you alright?" Sirius asked.

I wrapped my arms around Sirius and cried into his shoulder. "What happened, Haylie?" Remus asked.

"I saw something horrible", I sobbed.

"What did you see?" Sirius asked.

I couldn't speak about the traumatic event. I continued sobbing.

"Let's get her to the Hospital Wing", Remus said to Sirius.


After getting my wounds taken care of, I sat outside the Hospital Wing. I tried not to think of what I had saw.

Obviously, I was failing at that. My mind would go to somewhere else, but it didn't stay there for long.

Sirius, Tonks and Remus came out of the Hospital Wing. Tonks sat next to me. "Harry told us what happened. I'm sorry you had to see it" She said.

I touched the side of my neck. It was still soar from Greyback's bite. "You and Bill were bitten, but luckily, neither of you are werewolves. Though, you might have a craving for raw meat", Remus explained.

"That explains why I'm hungry", I said. "Is it alright if I speak to Sirius privately?"

Tonks nodded. She and Remus walked away. I noticed their hands almost touched.

"When did that happen?" I asked.

"Take a guess", Sirius said.

"I'm guessing they love each other, but he doesn't want to admit it because he feels like he's not the right man for her. So for these past few months, she was in a depression because of it. And after recent events, he finally admits his feelings to her", I said.

"That was really a guess?" Sirius asked.

"I mean, at first I was thinking it was some sort of scandalous one night stand, but ugh, this is even better", I said.

"Is this what you wanted to talk about?" Sirius asked.

"No. I uh...I think we should...put the wedding on a later date", I said.

"Haylie, we might not survive what's to come", Sirius said.

"We might", I said. "Even after tonight, I still want my father to walk me down the aisle".

"If you think moving it to a later date is what's best, then we'll move it to a later date", Sirius said. He sat next to me. "I want you to be happy".

I kissed Sirius. I stopped and looked at Remus and Tonks. They were kissing each other.

About damn time.

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