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Later that day, we told our friends in the Order the good news. "Don't you think you're rushing this?" Molly asked.

Sirius and I looked at each other. I looked at Molly. "Does this question have something to do with Bill and Fleur?"  I asked.

"Why do you hate her?" Sirius asked.

"Yeah, she's not that bad. She's pretty cool, actually", I said.

"I don't hate her. I think they're rushing it with this marriage thing. And so are you", Molly said. "Don't you think you want to give it a few more years?"

"We may not even have a few more years, Molly. And with everything going on, a wedding would be nice", I said.

"Have you even decided what you'll do after your wedding?" Molly asked.

"We have, yes. We plan to go to an old family mansion. It will need fixing, but I think it will be the perfect place for our honeymoon", Sirius explained.

"And then, we plan to live our lives as a normal Wizardry couple. I mean, we'll still help the Order, of course, so we'll both still have a job", I added.

"Well, have you thought about having children?" Molly asked.

I didn't say anything. The thought of having kids never occurred to me.

"We haven't had that talk. It's too early for that", I said.

"Well, where are you going to have this wedding? You're still a wanted man, Sirius".

"She's right", Sirius said.

"We'll figure something out. Harry said he formed a group at school. Whoever's in the group, perhaps they could help us clear your name", I said.

"What has your father said about this?"

I paused. Me and Sirius looked at each other.

"You haven't told him?" Molly asked.

"No, you're the first one we've told", I said.

"You mean, you haven't told Remus?"

"Tell me what?" Remus asked as he walked into the room. I showed him the ring.

"Haylie and I are getting married", Sirius said.

"That's wonderful. Congratulations", Remus said, hugging both me and Sirius. "Have you told your father?"

"She has not", Molly said.

"I will tell him. In fact, I'll go to Hogwarts right now and tell him", I said.

"Should I find some place to hide?" Sirius asked.

"Yes. I do not want my father to murder you", I said. "I'll let you know how it goes".

I walked out of Grimmaulds Place. I walked further away until I disapparated.


I entered my father's new classroom. Dad was the only one in the classroom. I was happy no one was in here to hear this conversation, but I was also disappointed that no one would be here to help me stop Dad from leaving this classroom.

"Hey Dad", I said.

"Haylie, what brings you here? Have you and Black finally broken up?" Dad asked.

"Ha! You're funny, Dad. No", I said.

"That's too bad", Dad said. I rolled my eyes. I was really about to tell him. Here goes nothing.

It's easy. Just tell him in a calm tone.

"He put a ring on it!" I shouted happily as I showed Dad my left hand.

Wait, that wasn't calm at all...Oops.

It seemed the color had drained from Dad's face. His face twitched with anger. Father pulled out his wand.

"I'm going to kill him", Dad said.

I grabbed him, trying to stop him from leaving the classroom. He easily pushed me off him.

I pointed my wand at him. With a nonverbal spell, I knocked his wand out of his hand and it flew into mine.

"Dad, I am going to marry him", I said.

"Absolutely not. I forbid it", Father said.

"That's not your choice", I snapped.

"He is too old for you", Dad said.

"There's a...15 year gap. But Tonks and Remus are 13 years apart. She still has a crush on him", I said.

"I will not allow my daughter to date that criminal".

"Criminal? He was framed! He'd never kill anyone. And I know for a fact that he wouldn't hurt me", I said. I took a deep breath. Maybe I'm doing this wrong. I shouldn't argue with him. "I am going to marry him whether you like it or not. And nothing would make me more happy if you walk with me down the aisle", I said in a more calmly tone.

My father didn't say anything. I know he hates Sirius, but can't be happy for me?

"I will think about it", Father said.

I nodded sadly. I walked out of the classroom. As I was walking down the hall, I saw Harry and Ron.

"Haylie, what are you doing here?" Ron asked.

"I came to tell Dad the good news which he did not take well", I said. I  looked around to make sure no one was around. I looked at Harry and Ron. "Sirius and I are getting married".

"That's amazing! Congrats", Harry said. He did sound happy. I was relieved. Sirius is his godfather so I had hoped that it wasn't too weird for Harry.

"That's amazing, but where are you going to have the wedding?" Ron asked.

"That's the second reason I came here. That group that you formed last year, do you think you can get everyone together on Saturday?" I asked.

"Of course", Harry said.

"What are you planning on Saturday?" Ron asked.

"Well, I was hoping the group could help us clear Sirius's name", I said. "We both agreed that if we're going to have a wedding, Sirius should be a free man".

"Alright, I will get everyone gathered up".

"Thank you. I should get to back to Sirius. I'll see you both on Saturday", I said.

After saying goodbye to Harry and Ron, I went back to Grimmaulds Place.

I hope we get to clear Sirius's name. I hope everything will turn out as we want.

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