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I opened my eyes and found myself on the ground. Rubble surrounded me. I heard George and Tonks shouting for Fred and Lila.

"Lila! Fred!"


"Fred! Lila! Freddie!"

Remus helped me up. "Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded. I looked around. There was no sign of Fred or Lila or Sirius.

"Where's Lila?" I asked.

Sirius walked towards me and Remus. "Are you alright?" Sirius asked. I nodded. "Lavender Brown and Colin Creevey is dead".

I looked down sadly. I knew that if anything happened to these kids, I couldn't bear it.

I heard a rumbling. I saw someone trapped under the rubble.

Me, Sirius, Remus, George, Percy and Tonks ran towards the rubble, hoping it was Fred and Lila.

To my relief, I saw someone with red hair and black hair pushing the rubble up. Remus and Percy pushed the rubble off Fred and Lila.

"Are you two alright?" I asked.

Fred looked at Lila with tears in his eyes. She was laying on the ground and her eyes were open, but she wasn't blinking.

"Lila?" I asked. I sat on my knees and shook Lila. "Hey. Lila? Lila". I heart pounded against my chest. I shook my head in disbelief. "No. No! NO! This isn't real! This isn't real! Lila, wake up! WAKE UP! LILA!"

"Haylie", Sirius said, pulling me away from Lila's body.

"No! NO! LET ME GO! SOROR MEA! SOROR MEA! THAT'S MY SISTER! THAT'S MY LITTLE SISTER!" I screamed through my tears. I sobbed as I looked at my sisters body.

"I'll get her to Madame Pomfrey", George said. He couldn't keep his voice steady. Tears streamed down his face. He grabbed Lila's body.

I felt so weak. I fell to my knees. I screamed in agony as sobbed. And if everyone could hear me from outside, I didn't care.

I just lost my sister.


I sat on the stairs alone when the battle finally stopped. I saw Harry, Ron and Hermione walking up the stairs.

"Haylie", Hermione said. "We-We need to tell you something".

"We found Snape", Harry said.

"And?" I asked, hopefully that he'll come to the castle and be here for me.

"He's dead. Voldemort killed him", Harry said.

My heart shattered. Dad must've died a hero and no one knew. Not only that, I just lost my father, the man who loved me and was there for me when I was scared, the man who taught me most of the spells and all potions I know, the man who was my best friend.

"Where's Lila? She should know", Ron said.

"No need. Lila's dead", I said.

Ron and Hermione looked shocked, but also sad. Harry, on the other hand, didn't seem to be stunned. He didn't really have a reaction.

I heard someone walking down the stairs. "May I talk to Haylie alone?" Sirius asked behind me.

Harry, Ron and Hermione nodded. Hermione and Ron walked up the stairs. "Are you alright?" Harry asked Sirius.

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