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A few weeks had passed since my argument with Sirius. My father came to Grimmaulds Place. We sat upstairs in my room.

"Now that you're older, Haylie, I think I should teach you a spell of mine", Dad said.

"You made your own spell?" I asked.

"I have. Now, I want to teach it to you. This spell is used for enemies only", Dad said.

"This spell, does it hurt people?" I asked.

"It does. I take it by your new look that there is someone you want to hurt", Father said.

Last week, I changed my hair. It was now black instead of the red color it used to be.

"Sirius and I admitted our feelings to each other, but he believes we shouldn't be together", I said.

"How come?" Dad asked.

"He had 3 reasons. He's too old for me, he knows you wouldn't want us together and he doesn't want me to be stuck here because of him", I explained. "And by the way, I do not want to hurt him".

"How touching that Black has thought of my opinion", Father said.

I rolled my eyes. "Can we get back to work, please?" I asked.

There was a long pause in which my father didn't say anything. "This spell is called, Sectumsempra. It is a very dangerous spell, but now that you're older, I think you're ready. Practice this spell until you get it right", Dad says.

"I thought I was irresponsible", I said.

"When people are angry Haylie, we say things we don't mean. I would know, believe me", Dad said.

There was a knock on the door. "Come in", I said. The door was opened by Remus.

"Mad-eye and Tonks are going to talk to Grayson. They were wondering if you'd like to come with them", Remus said.

"Sure", I said. Father and I got up.

"I should get going as well", Dad said. We both walked past Remus.

Me, Mad-eye and Tonks disapparate to mine and Tonks' house. We went into one of the rooms to see Grayson, the man who poisoned me.

He looked at me in shock. "You're still alive? How?" Grayson asked.

"A cure, obviously", I said.

"Who do work for?" Mad-eye asked.

"I'm not telling you", Grayson asked.

"Legilimens", I said, pointing my wand at Grayson. I looked into my mind. "You work for Voldemort. What is he paying you for?"

"He was going to pay me to kill you. It is obvious that I have failed", Grayson said.

"Why did he want me dead?" I asked.

"I don't know", Grayson said. I pointed my wand at him. "I swear I don't know".

"If we decide to let you go, tell your master that there's nothing special about me".

"The Dark Lord would disagree otherwise".

After interrogating Grayson, me, Mad-eye and Tonks went back to Grimmaulds Place.

I sat at the table with Mad-eye, Molly, Kingsley, Tonks, Remus and Sirius. We were all having our lunch for today as Mad-eye discussed the plans for a new mission.

"Haylie, you were able to get answers out of him. Do you think you can do it again?" Mad-eye asked.

"I believe I can. He's clearly not good at Occlumency", I said and went back to eating.

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