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I laid down the Daily Prophet on my bed. I read the title as I packed up my suitcase.

"You-know-who back"

I heard a knock on the door. I didn't look towards the door. I pointed my wand at the door. "Alohomora", I said, not looking at the door.

I heard the door open. I turned around to see Sirius. I looked back at my suitcase.

"The dumb Minister finally believes us. If he believes us, he'll have to believe you're innocent. You'll be a free man in no time. I have a good feeling", I said.

"I hope you're right", Sirius said. "What did you think I was going to say to you?"

"Maybe something like 'You're a Death Eater just like your father' or 'You really do have a dark side' or maybe something like 'You're too much like your father'. Which one of those are correct?" I asked.

"None of those", Sirius said. "Everyone has a dark side, Haylie".

"Your words are so poetic", I said.

"You're packing?"

"Yes. You've made it clear on what you want. I thought leaving would make it easier for the both of us", I said.

"What if I told you I changed my mind?" Sirius asked.

I looked at him. "What made you change your mind?" I asked.

"When I saw how worried you were about Lila, I was reminded of how I felt when you were poisoned", Sirius said.

"How did you feel?"

"I felt like I was going to loose you. And that was an awful feeling. It felt like the world was falling apart".

I was about to close my suitcase, but then, I decided against it.

"Look, whatever the challenges, I know we'll work it out. You said a life with you is not a happy life. You're wrong. Whenever I'm with you, I feel happy. Happier than I've been with my Dad, my sister, Cedric. I'm still in love with you".

"Then stay. Stay with me", Sirius said. He walked closer to me. Our faces were close to each other's. "I'm in love with you and I want us to be together. I want to make this work", Sirius said.

I stepped closer to him. Our lips touched.

We pulled our lips apart. "We'll make this work. I know we will", I said. This time, Sirius pulled me closer. Our lips touched. We kissed for what felt like a long night.

But I didn't care if it was long.

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