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Sirius and I changed out of our wedding outfits. I'm not going to lie, Death Eaters have good taste.

 I'm not going to lie, Death Eaters have good taste

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The Death Eater came back. He grabbed us both and took us to the Living room where I saw Bellatrix Lestrange, Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, My Dad, Lila, Peter Pettigrew and Voldemort.

"It's a room full of clowns", I said.

"I used to wear these things in my younger days", Sirius said, looking at his leather jacket.

I rolled my eyes. "Honey, you're old", I said.

Bellatrix walked towards us. "Hello Cuz. I see you've brought your wife to be", She said. She pointed her wand at me. "Oh wait, I know you. I killed your mother".

"Shut up", I snapped.

"Sirius, we should give her a welcoming to the family", Bellatrix said. "Starting with a little torture".

I glared at Bellatrix. "Why are we here, Bellatrix?" Sirius asked.

"Severus wants Haylie to take her place by his side at Hogwarts. And Bellatrix wants to kill you", Voldemort said.

"I'm not joining you", I said. I looked at my father. "I saw what you did that night. On the Astronomy tower. I'll never join you".

"Then I get to kill you too. After I torture you", Bellatrix says with a smile. She pointed her wand at my stomach. "Cru-"

"No, don't hurt them!" I blurted.

My eyes widened when I realized what I had said. "Who's 'Them'?" Voldemort asked. I didn't answer.

"What are you talking about?" Bellatrix asked impatiently.

"You idiot, isn't it obvious?" Lila asked. Everyone looked at her. "Check her stomach".

Bellatrix lifted up my shirt with her wand. She gasped. "She's pregnant!" Bellatrix shouted, hopping up and down. "With his child". She pointed at Sirius.

I looked at Sirius. "You're having a baby?" He asked.

"I was going to tell you after the wedding. You're going to be a-" I was cut off by Bellatrix, who pulled on my hair. She pointed her wand at my neck.

"Can I still torture her?" Bellatrix asked.

I elbowed her in the stomach. Bellatrix let go of me. Then, she slapped me in the face.

The Death Eater standing behind Sirius grabbed him as he tried to run towards me.

Voldemort looked at Dad. "What do you say, Severus?" He asked Dad. "Should we torture Haylie and kill the child?"

"No!" I shouted. Peter Pettigrew grabbed me. "Let me go!" I stomped on his foot. He lets go of me.

I turned to Bellatrix and Peter, pointing my wand at them. I pointed my wand at the Death Eater, who dragged me and my husband here.

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