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I jumped into my bed, stuffing my face into my pillow. I got onto my back.

"I assume you're tired", Sirius said. I looked at him. He was already dressed for bed.

"I am tired. You woke me up before the bloody sun rose. Yes, I'll admit it was worth it, but a woman needs her sleep", I said.

"Well, since we are getting married, I was wondering if you'd like me to sleep in here with you", Sirius said.

I sat up quickly. "I would love to sleep with you", I said. I thought to myself. "Did I say that right?"

Sirius smiled. He laid next to me in bed. "Oh! I got to change into my pajamas", I said. I tried to get out of bed, but I ended up falling to the floor.

"Hayles?" Sirius asked in concern.

"I'm good", I said as I got up. I ran into the bathroom. I changed into my night dress.

I went back into the room. I laid in bed, next to Sirius. I got under the covers.

"I spoke to Harry and Ron. They're going to gather up their group on Saturday. We can convince them to help us clear your name", I said.

"Have you spoken to Tonks lately?" Sirius asked.

"No. She's been feeling down since we came back from the Department of Mysteries. She's not her bright and cheerful self. It's like she's in some sort of depression. I'm worried about her. Have you spoke to her?" I asked.

"Ever since she was assigned at Hogwarts, I haven't had a chance to talk to her", Sirius said.

I looked at Sirius. I scooted closer to him and laid my head on his chest. He wrapped an arm around me.

"Do you think she'll be alright?" I asked.

"I don't know", Sirius said.

"I've sent her a letter. An invitation to the wedding. I just hope she comes", I said.

"The wedding is going to be perfect", Sirius said.

I looked at Sirius. I kissed him on the cheek. "You're right. It's going to be the best day of our lives", I said.


Saturday came sooner than expected. I came back to Hogwarts with the Black dog by my side.

Harry said to meet him in the Room of Requirements. Whatever that is.

I saw a blond girl, skipping down the hall. She was wearing the Ravenclaw robes. She stopped skipping when she approached me.

Now that I think about it, I recognize her from when me and the Order came to the Department of Mysteries.

"You must be Haylie", the girl said. Her voice was calm and sweet.

"I am, yes. You're Luna, right?" I asked.

Luna nodded. She looks at Padfoot. "That's a lovely dog you have", she said.

"Thank you", I said. "Hey, Luna? Do you know where Harry is? He said to meet him in the Room of Requirements".

"I'm heading there myself. You can come with me", Luna said.

I was so relieved to have ran into Luna. She led me and Padfoot to the Room of Requirements.

The door opened. I saw the group of students. Most of them were people I had met before.

All the girls were mesmerized by the Black dog beside me. All of them except Hermione and Ginny, who already knew it was Sirius.

"It's great to see you all", I said. I remember watching these kids get sorted into their houses. Now, most of them are going to be 7th years next year.

I was now feeling like a proud mother, watching her kids grow up.

"The reason why you are all gathered here is because I need your help. Harry has told me about this group of your and if anyone can help us, I feel like it's you guys", I explained.

"Does it have something to do with the ring on your finger?" Hermione asked.

"Ah. It does, yes. I'm getting married", I said.

"That's amazing!"


"But there's a problem. The man that I am marrying, was framed", I explained.

"What do you mean framed?" Seamus asked.

"Someone betrayed him and framed him for a crime he didn't commit. You may know him as Sirius Black", I said. There was murmurs and whispers around the room. "I know how crazy it sounds. Believe me, I thought it was crazy too. Mainly because I thought he was delusional. But let me explain".

I told them everything Sirius told me in the Shrieking Shack and what happened to Ron's so-called rat, Scabbers.

"It must be awful for him, having to be in hiding alone", One of the Patil twins said.

"After the Triwizard Tournament, I stayed with him at his place", I said.

"How'd you fall in love?" Lavender asked.

"Before I get to that, I want to know that I can trust every single one of you", I said.

"You can trust me", Luna said.

"And me", Neville Longbottom said.

After everyone agreed that they could be trusted, I looked at the Black dog beside me.

The Black dog transformed into his human form. A few people jumped back at this.

I grabbed Sirius's hands. "Children, this is Sirius. Sirius, this is children", I said.

"Hello", Sirius said.

"Was it love at first sight?" Lavender asked.

"Lavender!" One of the Patil twins shouted.

"It's fine. It wasn't at first sight. It was more of a stranger to enemies to friends to lovers", I said.

"How many years apart are you?" Neville asked.

"15 years", I said.

"Does Professor Snape approve?"

"No. They've actually hated each other ever since their years at Hogwarts and Dad almost killed him when he found out about the marriage".

"Well, I think it's meant to be. You two look happy together", Luna said. "When is the wedding?"

"We're not sure yet", Sirius said.

"Why don't we have it in June?" I asked. Sirius looks at me. "It will be a nice season. The kids will be on break. It should be in June".

"Sounds good", Sirius said.

We were about to kiss, but we heard groans of disgust, fake gagging and protests.

I looked at everyone. Me and Sirius laughed.

"June weddings do bring good luck. The Goddess, Juno, was a protector of women and other aspects of life", Luna said.

"Then, a June wedding will be perfect", Sirius said.

"What is it you want us to do?" Luna asked.

"We need your help in clearing Sirius's name", I said.

"Don't worry, Haylie. We'll help you", Seamus said.

"Thank you, everyone. You have no idea how happy I am", I said. "Though, Sirius and I must get going".

"Wait, I have so many questions", Lavender said.

Does Lavender Brown ship Princestar?

I can't believe I just came up with that.

"We'll answer your questions next time we meet. And we have to come up with a plan during the next meeting. Thank you, everyone", I said.

Sirius turned back into his Animagus. I waved goodbye to the children of Dumbledore's Army and left.

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