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After hearing that I was needed at Malfoy Manor, I got dressed for the day with the confidence that today was going to be another bad day.

Two Death Eaters escorted me to Malfoy Manor, occasionally grabbing me harshly by the wrist.

I walked into Malfoy Manor and went into the dining room, where I saw Lucius and Narcissa arguing.

"If it wasn't for her father, Draco would have failed", Narcissa said.

"We are not helping her. We do not owe her anything, Narcissa", Lucius said.

As I walked into the room, Narcissa and Lucius turned to me.

"Haylie, you're here", Narcissa said.

"Yeah...am I interrupting something?" I asked.

"No. Lucius and I were just finishing up. Come with me", Narcissa said.

Me and Narcissa walked upstairs. We walked into the same room I found the "Sirius Supremacy" message.

"I want to give you something that I think the baby will enjoy", Narcissa said. She gave me a stuffed animal. A stuffed troll. "It's been apart of our family for years. It's not perfect, but I hope your daughter loves it".

"Thank you, Narcissa", I said. "For everything you've done. Can I ask you something?"


"There was a Death Eater who told me that Voldemort wants me dead. I have found out that when I was 6, I was moved to different locations so I would be kept away from him. What's so special about me?" I asked.

"I don't know much about the situation. Voldemort still wants you dead, but I don't know why", Narcissa said.

"Why hasn't he killed me yet?"

"I think he has plans for your baby", Narcissa said.

I heard shouting from downstairs. It was Bellatrix.

No surprise.

"You are useless, you stupid rat! Get me my Butterbeer before I cut out all your insides!"

Me and Narcissa went downstairs. A little boy, who looked at least 8 years old, standing in front of Bellatrix in fear. She was screaming at him as he shook nervously.

I ran towards Bellatrix and the little boy. "Do you want to shut up? He's a kid. Leave him alone", I said.

Bellatrix grabbed me by the throat and started choking me. The little boy gasped and took a step back.

"Bellatrix!" I heard a shout. It was Lila. "Let her go".

I kicked Bellatrix. I grabbed her by the arms and slammed her to the ground. Bellatrix released me as she fell. I coughed and gasped for breath.

"Mood swings is not something you want to mess with", I said. Bellatrix stands up. She looks at the small boy. Then, she looks at me.

"He's Wormtail's child, you know. The man who's responsible for my cousin's imprisonment. And you're the woman responsible for his father's imprisonment. Don't you want me to torture him?" Bellatrix asked.

"What his father did has nothing to do with him. Leave him alone", I said.

Bellatrix stormed out of the room. I looked at Lila. She looked at the ground, not able to look at me.

"Thank you", The 8 year old boy said. I looked at him. He looked like his father, but with a younger, cute face. His dirty blonde hair was messy and his blue eyes were so light, it almost looked like they almost looked grey.

"Of course", I said. I much as I hated Pettigrew, I had to remind myself that this kid wasn't his father. "What's your name?"

"Jaden", The 8 year old said.

"Hi Jaden. I'm Haylie", I said.

"Sirius Black's wife?" Jaden asked.

"Yeah. Well, not yet", I said.

"Jaden, why don't you go into the kitchen", Narcissa said.

Jaden walked away. I hadn't noticed Lila had left until I turned around.

"Your sister is being forced to become a Death Eater. The Dark Lord has threatened Fred Weasley's life", Narcissa said.

"What?" I questioned. "We have to inform the Order".

"No. They'll find out soon enough. Your sister is trying to save his life. And yours", Narcissa said.

"I can take care of myself", I said.

"Not while you're pregnant. You need to take things easy or someone will get hurt", Narcissa said.

I tried to argue, but I couldn't think of what to say.

Bellatrix came into the room. "Have you ever thought of not yelling at people?" I asked.

"Oh, great. You're still here", Bellatrix said sarcastically as she walked towards us. "Don't you have common sense?"

"Yeah. Both your sisters have common sense and somehow you don't", I said.

"You've met Andromeda?" Narcissa asked.

I didn't say anything. "Answer the question!" Bellatrix demanded.

"Yes", I said.

"When?" Bellatrix asked.

"Before I was held captive! When else?" I asked. "You miss her, don't you?"

"Shut up! Or I'll kill you, just like I killed your mother!" Bellatrix shouted.

"It's alright if you do. I miss my sister", I said.

I walked closer to Bellatrix. She pulled out a knife. Somehow, that didn't scare me.

I walked closer to Bellatrix and slowly pulled her close. I wrapped my arms around her.

There was silence. I let go of Bellatrix and walked back upstairs.

I walked into the 'Sirius Supremacy' room. I laid down in one of the beds. I touched my baby bump and sang softly until I fell asleep.

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