Ch. 2 Little Sheep?

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A month has passed since that incident with Dabi and my ankle is completely fine now. Thanks to Ochaco, who didn't listen to me when I told her it was fine. Despite the advice Dabi gave me I have continued to use the short cut to get home in hopes I'd come across him. Stupid, I now... But I just can't help myself.
Letting out a sigh, I turn and walk out of the alley feeling a bit disappointed. "Maybe, he's avoiding this area... I mean he did roast a man alive in this alleyway. Why would he come back at the scene of the crime?" I think as I begin making my way home.

"I'm home!" I call out as I enter the house, while taking off my shoes.

"Welcome home, (Y/N)." I hear Ochaco greet and I look up at her dumbfounded. "She's actually here before me?" I wonder looking up at her with a confused expression and she chuckles a bit. "Why do you look so surprised that I'm here first?" Ochaco asks.

"I'm just not used to someone greeting me back as I enter the house." I answer asking my head.

"Well seeing as tomorrow is U.A.'s Entrance Exam, I thought it'd be a good idea to come straight home today." Ochaco explains as I begin walking over to the kitchen.

"So have you brought up the idea with Mom and Dad?" I question as Ochaco follows me into the kitchen, but she looks away.

"No, I think it might be better to make sure we both pass first." Ochaco responds as I grab a drink out of the fridge and turn to her.

"Well it's your idea so it's best if you explain it to them that we want to get a apartment to live closer to U.A. to save money." I state cause Ochaco to sigh.

"I know..." Ochaco trails off looking to the side.

"You're worrying too much, I'm sure they'll understand." I declare as I walk passed her and head to my room. "U.A. Entrance Exam, I can't believe it's already tomorrow." I think as I walk over and fall onto my bed lifelessly. I feel as if someone was watching me so I quickly turn to my window, but no one was there. "This has been happening a lot lately... I've felt as if I've either been being followed or watched, but maybe it's just my imagination." I think as I get up and walk over to the window, but then I see a white sheet of folded paper causing my eyes to widen. Quickly I open the window and grab the paper and unfolded it.

"Stop walking down that alley. This is a warning."

The note read causing my heart to flutter as I then look out the window, but I couldn't see anyone. "Could he be the one watching and following me?" I wonder as I walked back over to my bed staring at the piece of paper. "How else would he know I've still been taking that shortcut...?" I wonder as I laid back down on the bed.

(Time skip)

before I knew it my alarm goes off causing me to jump up from my bad and begin to get ready. "The day of the Exam." I think as I finish getting ready and walk out my door to see Ochaco, who was standing outside it with her fist up.

"Oh, I thought you were still sleeping." Ochaco states a she brings her fist down.

"Not on an important day like this." I declare with a smile. "Unlike Ochaco, I've never been obsessed with becoming a hero. However, when I was younger she made me promise we'd be Hero's together..." I think as Ochaco and I walk into the kitchen to be met with both our parents turning to us with smiles.

"Good morning, you two." Mother greeted as she set down a plate of food in the middle of the table that Father was sitting at.

"Good morning." Ochaco and I chorus as we make our way over to the table and sit down.

Troublemaker (Dabi + Bakugo x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя