Ch. 8 I'm a Villain

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It was the next day and thanks to the Villain attack we were given a day to recuperate and relax. "How do they expect us to relax after having to face real Villains and it's not even a week into School... Well, I am attending the number 1 hero school." I think as I glance over at the TV, while taking a sip of my coffee.

"U.A.'s very own Class 1-A engage between Villains, who unexpectedly appeared on the ground of the USJ-" A News lady states causing me to nearly spit my coffee out. "Great now we're being talked about on TV, wonderful..." I think as I roll my eyes as Ochaco walks out of her room on the phone causing me to put on a confused expression.

"Who are you talking to?" I ask causing her to look over at me with a tired expression.

"Mom and Dad." Ochaco mouths and I flinch. "Oh, good thing they called her and not me." I think as I let out a sigh. "No need to worry, you two. (Y/N) and I are perfectly fine and neither of us were hurt, I assure you." Ochaco insists as she walks over to the kitchen. Taking another sip of my coffee, I look down to see my phone received a message from an unknown number. "Who could this be?" I wonder as I open the message and my eyes widened.

"Come outside." The message read and for some reason I immediately got up and quickly rushed over to the door putting my shoes on.

"(Y/N), where are you going?!" Ochaco calls out, but I ignore her making my way out the door and look around. Suddenly a guy with spikey black hair that I know all to well passes by causing me to rush down the stairs and over to see Dabi, who was leaning against the wall and I hold up my phone.

"This was from you right, how the heck did you get my number?!" I exclaim, but I then hear a sigh come from him as he puts his hood over his head.

"I guess I was wrong..." Dabi trails off as I put on a confused expression.

"About what?" I ask causing him to turn to me.

"I saw the Villain attack on the news and for some reason I thought you were caught up in it." Dabi answers and I shake my head.

"I was, but thanks to my other classmates and the Pros we managed to make it through without many casualties." I explain and his eyes widen, but then he looks away from me.

"You must be scared of me now." Dabi points out, but I then chuckle.

"Why do you think that?" I question as Dabi's eyes met with mine with a hint of sadness buried in them.

"Because I'm a Villain, Little Sheep." Dabi respond causing me to walk closer to him, but he inched back a bit.

"I'm not scared of you and I probably could never be... You were different from the Villains I faced yesterday. They wouldn't have helped me like you did when we first met and wouldn't have comforted me like you have." I explain, but he then grabs my hand looking down at me.

"You free?" Dabi asks causing me to glancing over at the apartment. "Ochaco's probably gonna worry, but I don't wanna part with Dabi yet." I think as I turn back to him and smile.

"Yeah!" I answer and a slight smirk appears on his face as he begins to lead me somewhere.

"So how did you get my number again?" I ask with a mischievous grin causing Dabi to glance over at me.

"I was hoping you'd forget about that... A broker friend of mine got it for me." Dabi answers looking away.

"Well, I guess it's better than you knocking on my door and Ochaco finding out about you." I point out and we both chuckle.

"Here we are." Dabi says causing me to look up to see a Café and I look over at him with a curious expression.

"So this is where you wanted to take me?" question and he nods as we head into the Café and take a seat at a booth.

Troublemaker (Dabi + Bakugo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now