Ch. 17 I'm Dead?

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I open my eyes to see a dark colored ceiling above me and I stared blankly at it for a moment. "Where am I?" I wonder as I then sit up and look around to see I'm in an unfamiliar area.

"I should get up." I state as I get up from the bed and over to a mirror that was in the room to see my eyes were a light peach color and my hair, which was almost touching the ground was a dirty blonde causing me to put on a confused expression. "How long have I?" I wonder as I went to touch my hair, but then the door opens.

"Oh, you're finally awake." A deep familiar voice rings out causing me to look over to see the Portal guy from the USJ standing there.

"You're Kurogiri..." I trail off causing him to clear his throat.

"I am, it's a pleasure to meet you." Kurogiri greets, but I put on a serious expression.

"How long have I-"

"3 months. The master told me to relay a message for you..." Kurogiri trails off. "By master he probably means All For One." I think as I reluctantly nod my head.

"You now have 2 quirks, but that also means that you have 2 different personalities within you. The master said if it ever becomes too much to contact him and he would gladly take one of them back from you. Also he also hopes you will be a great asset to Tomura Shigaraki." Kurogiri informs and my eyes widen. "Wait, so his side of the deal is he wants me to help that psycho with all the hands?!" I wonder as I let out a sigh and place my hands on my head.

"So he wants me to be a servant?" I ask, but Kurogiri puts his hand up and shakes his head.

"No, he wants you to become someone Tomura Shigaraki can count on like a team mate." Kurogiri answers. "So he wants me to join his League Of Villains." I think as I glanced over at the mirror.

"Why not, it could be fun." Toga's voice rang through my head causing me to roll my eyes.

"I can't really do anything in a nightgown." I point out causing Kurogiri to nod as he sets down a drink on the table by the bed.

"You have a few pairs of clothes I had acquired in that closet over there, they should fit. Well, I shall excuse myself as you dress." Kurogiri insists and then walks over and walks out the door, shutting it behind him. "This is stupid as if I would just sit by and do everything he says!" I think as I quickly grab out some clothes and change, but then begin to look around and see a tiny window that was in the bathroom.

"Bingo!" I chirp as I rush over to see it was pretty high up, but I smirk. "You think height was gonna stop me when you let me keep my Gravitational Pull, dumbass." I think as I open the window and wiggle my way out of it, while activating my quirk.

"Piece of cake." I say as I float down and land softly on the ground. "I won't be a pawn especially not to some man-child like that hand-guy." I think as I begin to run as fast I could. Finally I made it to a location I knew and begin to walk down the street till I came to our apartment building and let out a sigh.

"It's such a shame." An old lady, who was one of our neighbors declares causing me to put on a confused expression.

"Yeah, I heard they found her beaten body washed up on the beach I think a month ago." Another lady states causing my eyes to widen and before I could stop myself I turned to them.

"Who are you talking about?" I ask with a worried expression causing them to put on a sympathetic expression.

"Oh, one of the twin girls, who live up in 24B was found dead on The Takoba Municipal Beach. She was beaten so bad her family could barely recognize her." The older woman answers and my eyes widen.

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