Ch. 9 What home?

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"I see you're awake." A deep voice sounds out through the darkness causing a shiver to run down my spine as I quickly look around to see an unfamiliar man standing there. I go to move, but was unable to causing me to look down to see I was tied to a chair. "This body is so tiny... What is going on?!" I wonder as I stared at my tiny body, but then I look back up at the man.

"I wanna go home." I cried out, but the man shook his head as he begins walking over to me. "Is this a memory, but I was never kidnapped." I think as the man brought his face closer to mine

"What home?" The man asks with a grin.

"Where's Mommy she said she'd be right back!?" I exclaim as tears begin forming in my eyes.

"You're Mother gave you up." The man declares, but I shake my head at him furiously. "Gave me up! What the hell is going on here?!" I wonder as the man creates some distance between us.

"I want my Mommy and Daddy!" I scream, but the man puts his hand on my head.

"You are no longer (_____ ______). You are now, (Y/N) Uraraka and you're quirk is Gravitational Pull." The man's voice echo's through my head. I quickly sit up and look around to see my bed as I breathed in and out repeatedly.

"What the hell is that, I couldn't hear the name he said..." I trail off as my alarm begins to go off. "That couldn't have been just a dream, right?!" I wonder as I slowly begin to get up from the bed and begin to get dressed.

"(Y/N) are you up?!" Ochaco's voice sounds from the other side of my door causing me to quickly rush over and open in with a desperate expression.

"Ochaco!" I bellow causing her to jump slightly.

"Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Ochaco asks with a worried expression. "Wait, what am I doing?!" I wonder as I quickly clear my throat and shake my head.

"Nevermind..." I trail off as I walk over to the kitchen after shutting my door behind me. "As if Ochaco would know anything about it. I mean, I couldn't have been older than 4." I think as I begin to make breakfast.

"(Y/N), a-are you sure you're okay?" Ochaco finally asks me as she sits at the table, while I bring over the food.

"Yeah." I answer as I begin to eat.

"You know, you can tell me anything we're sisters and that will never change." Ochaco declares and I nod. "But are we really sisters?" I wonder as we both continue to eat in silence.

(Time skip)

We both make it to the school and walk into the noisy classroom as everyone was chatting amongst themselves. Ochaco puts on a smile, but I just shook my head slightly and walk over to my desk and played my head down feeling my head ache slightly. "What a great day this is going to be..." I think as I feel myself beginning to drift to sleep.

"Ah just shut up, grow a pair loser!" Bakugo bellows causing my eyes to open and I look over to see him with an annoyed expression.

"You really know how to wake someone up..." I trail off causing him to glare over at me, but I begin to yawn while stretching.

"That's you're fault for not getting sleep, extra." Bakugo declares causing me to roll my eyes.

"I did get sleep-

"Attention homeroom class is about to begin, everyone stop talking and take your seats!" Tenya announces, while interrupting me as he quickly makes his way up to the podium.

"Uh... We're all sitting." Kirishima insists.

"Yeah, you're the only one standing." Sero points out causing Iida to take his seat as I look over at Ochaco.

Troublemaker (Dabi + Bakugo x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora