Ch. 7 Takes The Cake

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We're out of the Collapse zone when Bakugo suddenly takes off running.

"Where are you going?!" Kirishima and I chorus, but he doesn't answer causing us to chase after him.

"GET THE HELL OUTTA MY WAY DEKU!" Bakugo's voice rings out, we finally catch up to see Bakugo slamming the Portal's guy down on the ground. "He got 'em this time." I think, but then I look over to see a big guy frozen that also had a hold of All Might causing my eyes to widen.

"One of your poorly trained thugs told me you were here because you think you can kill, All Might." Todoroki states as All Might loosens the big guys grip and jumps away, but grabs one of his side. "All Might looks hurt..." I think staring up at him with a worried expression.

"Guess I found your body this time you Smokey bastard!" Bakugo bellows causing me to glance over to see him stepping on the portal guy.

"The Symbol Of Peace will not be defeated by delinquents like you." Todoroki declares.

"Kurogiri, how could you let this brat get the best of you. You've gotten us into a real jam here." A raspy voice rings out causing me to see a guy with hands all over him and red eyes.

"You got careless you dumb villain. Wasn't hard to figure you out. Only certain parts of you turn into that Smokey warp gate, you use that miss to hide your actual body as a kind of distraction thinking that makes you safe. That's why we missed, but if you didn't have a body you wouldn't be wearing this neck armor, right? You're not immune to physical attacks that are well aimed." Bakugo explains, but Kurogiri goes to move causing Bakugo to set of another explosion making Kurogiri groan. "When did he figure that out?" I wonder as I glance over at Bakugo. "Don't move. You try anything funny and I'll blow your ass up so bad that they'll be piecing you back together for weeks." Bakugo threatens.

"Woah, that doesn't sound very Heroic." Kirishima teases looking over at us.

"They escaped uninjured, captured my two strongest men... Kids these days really are amazing they make the League Of Villains look like amateurs, can't have that... Nomu!" The hand guy calls out as the big guy, which name was Nomu begins coming out of the warp gate causing his arm that was covered in Ice breaks off and so does his leg. Nomu quickly turns to me and Bakugo causing a chill to run down my spine.

"How is that thing still moving, he's all messed up?" Deku asks.

"Stay back, everybody!" All Might instructs as flesh starts growing out of where his arm and leg used to be and begins to form into a new leg and arm. "What is this, I thought you said his power was shock absorption?!" All Might exclaims, while standing up.

"I didn't say that was his only quirk, he also has super regeneration. Nomu's been modified to take you on even at 100% of your power, he's basically a highly efficient punching bag that hits back... So First we need to kill the blonde and free our method of escape. Get that boy Nomu!" Hand Guy Demands, while pointing over at us. "Oh, shit!" I think as I quickly decrease my gravitation pull, while grabbing Bakugo's arm. We begin floating, but not fast enough as the Nomu goes to hit us something jumps in front of us allowing me time to get us in the air.

"Heavy..." I trail off causing Bakugo to look up at me with an annoyed expression, but then he lets off a few explosions accelerating us away from the commotion and to our other classmates. For a moment I loose concentration causing me to fall, but Bakugo quickly catches me.

"You're a pain!" Bakugo declares causing me to put on an awkward expression.

"Sorry." I apologize as we touch back down on the ground and he let's me down.

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