Ch. 5 Sibling Issues

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I wake up to see a white building above me and a slight ache come from my head causing me to groan as I sat up.

"Are you alright, dearie?" A little old lady asks coming into my line of sight. "She must be our School Nurse Recovery Girl." I think as I put my hand to my head.

"Just a slight headache." I answer, but she shakes her head.

"A piece of the floor fell and hit you in the head and it also seems like you overused your quirk a bit." Recovery Girl explains and my eyes widen.

"So that's why I blacked out..." I trail off causing her to nod as she then holds up a PEZ Dispenser with Kamui Woods on it.

"Take this and make sure you stay awake for several hours to make sure you don't have a severe concussion." Recovery Girl advices, while popping a pill out of the PEZ Dispenser.

"Thank you." I nod then put the pill in my mouth and swallow it, but I then begin grabbing myself, while getting out of the bed.

"If your on your way home already please be careful." Recovery Girl insists and I nod.

"I will." I declares as I walk out of the Nurse's Office, but then look down to see I'm still in my Hero costume. "Oh, I'd better change before heading home." I think as I quickly make my way to the changing room..

(Time Skip)

I make my way out of the school, while seeing it was almost dark out. "Ochaco must have already went home." I think as I let out a sigh, while walking out of the school. "I better hurry home." I state as I begin walking home.

"Damn it!" I hear a familiar shout causing me to look over as I hear a loud thud.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I call out, while rushing over to Bakugo, who has his fist in the wall.

"None of your business, Dumbass..." Bakugo trails off looking away from me, but I completely ignore it as I grab his hand to see his knuckles were beginning to bleed.

"We need to treat this right away!" I bellow as I quickly go to reach into my bag.

"Leave me alone!" Bakugo demands as he forcefully takes his fist back causing my bag to spill out.

"Fine..." I trail off as I bend down and begin to pick them up.

"Tch!" Bakugo sounds as I see another pair of hands begin to pick up my things. "Medical supplies, why?" Bakugo asks causing me to look up at him.

"It's a habit I had when I was younger thanks to Ochaco being pretty accident prone, but recently it's been the other way around so I started carrying them again." I answer causing him to hold his hand out with an annoyed expression, but had a bit of a red tint to his cheeks.

"You offered, remember." Bakugo insists causing me to giggle as I begin to apply some medicine to stop the bleeding and ease the pain. I go to bandage up his hand when he then clears his throat. "You good?" Bakugo questions, while pointing to his head with his other hand.

"Yeah, Recovery Girl took care of me. How did you know my head was injured?" I ask causing him to look away as I begin wrapping his hand.

"I was the first to notice... You were underneath some rubble unconscious and placed you on the stretcher." Bakugo answers as I see his ears beginning to turn red. "He's not as bad of a guy as I thought." I think with a smile.

"Then just think of this as payment for helping me." I declare as I finish wrapping up his hand.

"Yeah..." Bakugo trails off as I put the stuff back in my bag and we both stand up. "I better leave before his bad attitude resurfaces." I think as I got to walk past him.

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