Ch. 19 Deals

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I get up from the couch and begin gathering up what little stuff I have.

"What are you doing?" Toga asks and I begin to slightly shake my head.

"Toga, is that deal still on the table?" I question and I hear a chuckle.

"Most definitely." Toga responds and I let out a sigh as I walk out of the apartment.

"The it's a deal." I states as I begin to walk down the street.

(To Dabi)

"Damn it, I said I would protect her and then I almost turn her to ash?!" Dabi, who was staring out at the ocean from the beach exclaims.

"It's like whenever I'm around her I become irrational..." Dabi trails off as he sits down in the sand with a sigh.

(To me)

"Hello, girly." Someone greets causing me to glance behind me to see a man in a purple jacket with a cigarette hanging out his mouth.

"What the hell do you want?" I ask, but then he smirks as he grabs a hold of me.

"I'm Giran and I was told to deliver you to Shigaraki." Giran answers causing me to quickly shake his grip off of me.

"Hmm, not a big fan of him?" Giran questions and I glare at him.

"No, he'll probably kill me." I respond causing Giran eyes to gleam.

"Then why don't you let me help you?" Giran asks causing me to narrow my eyes at him.

"What's the catch?" I question causing his smirk to grow.

"You'll just owe me a favor in the future, how about that?" Giran asks causing me to stare at him for a moment. "What do you think, Toga?" I wonder as Giran holds his hand out to me.

"It'd be better than having to serve under Handy-man." Toga points out causing me to place my hand slowly into Girans'.

"Deal." I answer.

"Wise choice." Giran sneers as he begins to drag me away.

"Where are we going?" I ask causing him to glance back at me.

"To a couple of friends of mine, who are going to help you." Giran answers as we continue walking til we come to what looks like a boutique.

"Welcome- Oh it's just you..." A woman trails off with an annoyed expression as we walk in and Giran grins.

"It's nice to see you as well." Giran greets and she rolls her eyes.

"A favor I presume?" The woman questions as she peers over at me and Giran nods.

"I need you to give this one a complete makeover and then send her to that woman." Giran hinted and she scoffs with a nod.

"Alright missy go sit your ass in one of those seats." The lady orders causing me to stiffen up and make my way over to the salon chairs and sit down in one. Glancing over I see Giran heading for the exit and I begin to feel a little anxious. "Send me to that woman... Who is that woman?" I wonder as the lady walks over and stares at me for a second.


"Shh! I'm thinking." The woman inturrupts me as she walks away and comes back with a bottle, brush and a cup. "I guess I don't get a say..." I think as she begins to dye my hair.

(Time Skip)

"Here's some different clothes, go change into them." The woman instructs and I nod as I head for the dressing room, which had a mirror allowing me to see I had short brown hair causing me to stare at myself for a moment.

"Do you like it?" Toga asks finally pulling me back to reality.

"The brown is exactly the same color as before it turned to that dishwater blonde... So I got a bit nostalgic that's it." I answers as I changed my clothes.

"Are ya done yet?!" The woman exclaims causing me to come out of the dressing room and nod causing her to sigh.

"There's a car outside that will take you where you need to go. You're going to meet with the Lady, when you do give her this." The woman informs as she hands me a letter.

"Alright." I respond as I make my way outside and get in the back of the car causing the driver to begin driving as I stare out the window. "The Lady. What a code name..." I think as I let out a sigh as the car stops causing me to get out and walk into the building in front of me.

"Can I help you?" The receptionist ask causing me to walk over to her and I lean in a bit.

"I'm here to see The Lady." I whisper and the receptionist nods.

"Take a seat and she'll be with you in a moment." The receptionist explains causing me to walk over and sit in a chair. Is she an important person or something?" I wonder, but then the door opens with a short haired lady to glare over at me causing me to stand up. Walking over to her and into the office she shuts the door behind us and walks over to me.

"Who are you?" The Lady questions causing me to hold up the letter and she grabs it with an irritated expression. Slowly making it over to her desk as she was reading, The Lady sits down and then laid the note down on her desk and looked up at me.

"Giran sent you to me so that means you should be more than capable for what I need you to do correct?" The Lady asks as she narrows her eyes at me.

"Um, I actually haven't been informed-"

"Of fucking course that damn man! The Lady bellows as she stands up and throws the letter into the trash.

"Then I'll just tell you... You're going to be my personal hitman for a bit. You kill the people I assign you to and I will pay you and also make sure you have a place to stay, are you satisfied with that?" The Lady asks.

"Don't be nervous, just pretend you know what you're doing." Toga advised causing me to nod.

"Yes, that will suffice." I answer and The Lady smirks.

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