Ch. 21 Little Psycho

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"You're a minute late..." A man's voice trails off as I enter the boutique breathlessly causing me to glare over at him.

"W-well, excuse me old man." I remark as I straighten myself up and walk over to him.

"Hariko!" Giran calls out causing the woman I saw last time to walk out with an annoyed expression.

"I thought she wouldn't show up." The lady rolls her eyes and points over to a chair causing me to walk over to it. "They want me to be you, Toga." I think causing a chuckle to sound out.

"Yay!" Toga chirps as she appears in my head with her long blonde hair and gleaming yellow eyes.

"There a certain way you want? I'm currently all out of ideas." Hariko asks as causing me to nod.

"Long blond hair, also do you have yellow contacts?" I question causing Hariko to bring her hand to her chin and stares at me in the mirror.

"Yeah, give me a sec..." Hariko trails off as she walks away, but I hear Giran let out a chuckle.

"Something funny?" I ask causing Giran to look over at me with a broad grin.

"Just thinkin', ya seem way too tame ta have committed as many murders as ya have, (Y/n). Why's that?" Giran question causing me to straighten up a bit, but I glare at him.

"Are you saying I need to be psychotic to kill people? I'm just good at hiding my emotions Giran." I respond with a mischievous grin causing Giran's eyes to widen.

"W-well ya better not hide your emotions if ya want to fool Shigaraki." Giran informs causing me to snicker.

"Don't worry old man, Himiko Toga's got it covered." I state as I imitate Toga's voice, but then Hariko walk back over and begins to set dye bottles down on the table in front of me.

"Ready?" Hariko asks and I nod causing her to begin putting on gloves.

(Time skip)

I starred into the mirror to see I had long blonde hair thanks to the hair extensions Hariko installed and bright yellow eyes thanks to the contacts. "We're twinzies, Toga!" I think with a smirk as I turn to Hariko, who's looking me up and down with an impressed expression.

"You just look good in any style... Anyway what outfit do you want to wear?" Hariko asks causing me to put on a thoughtful expression as I stared down at the many options placed in front of me.

"School uniform, please!" Toga calls out causing me to put on a confused expression. "Why that one?" I wonder causing a chuckle to ring out.

"I've always wanted to wear one, Come on (N/N)." Toga pleads causing me to let out a sigh as I grab the school uniform and without another word walk over to the changing room.

"Happy?" I ask as I stared at the mirror to see Toga starring right back at me with a beyond excited expression at the School uniform we were now wearing.

"Switch me, right now!" Toga answers causing me to close my eyes and like a switch I was out of control.

"It's so adorable!" Toga chirps as she twirls in the changing room, but then a knock sounds out from the door causing her to turn to it. "Don't do anything bad, Toga." I remind causing her to nod as she open the door and Hariko looks us up and down.

"I questioned it at first, but you actually look like a high schooler... What do you want for you're hair?" Hariko asks, but Toga shakes her head.

"I wanna do it." Toga answers as she walks passed her and over to the mirror. Grabbing the brush, Toga began to brush her hair up into pigtails and then putting them into messy buns.

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