Ch. 23 Ochaco

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As we were waiting for the rest of the team to show up, I began to hear screams in the distance obviously the students cause nobody had moved away from the cliff we warped to thanks to Kurogiri. "Are they doing some test of courage game or something?" I wonder causing Toga to chuckle.

"It sure sounds like fun." Toga states with a gleeful smile causing Dabi to turn to us. Suddenly, we see three warp gates open up allowing three people to step out. One was in a jump suit, who I assumed was Twice. The next one looked like a magician, obviously Compressor. The last one to come out was a big pale guy with what looked like some of his brain sticking out along with a weird mask over his face and something over his teeth. "What the hell is this guy and why wasn't he on the list?" I wonder as a chill ran up my spine.

"Now, it begins." Dabi declares causing me to look over to see him summon a blue flame and presses it to a near by tree, setting it a blaze. "We better get going, Toga." I think causing her to turn and all of us begin heading in different directions. Rushing through the forest Toga finds a slight clearing causing her to stops as she sees two people walking by. "Toga, don't kill anyone, understand?" I request causing her to giggle.

"I won't..." Toga trails off as she puts on a slightly psychotic expression. "I was once a fellow Hero in Training so most of them are probably scared out of their minds..." I think feeling conflicted.

(To Dabi)

"Looks like your concern has you distracted, Eraser." Dabi points out as he activates his Quirk sending a huge wave of fire towards Aizawa.

"Vlad!" Aizawa shouts.

"You Pros 'oughta lay off. We haven't come here for any of you, so just stay out of the way." Dabi proclaims.

(To Shigaraki)

"You're sure they'll be all right on their own?" Kurogiri asks as he was polishing a glass.

"I'm a non-playable character this level. They'll make it work without me. Besides, this game has totally changed. I've been thinking of it as an RPG. We had some pretty good equips, but we challenged the big boss while still at level one. Really, it's more of a simulation game. I'm the player and I'll use all my little pawns to smash through the Heroes' ranks. But first, I need to make cracks in the superhuman world. That's where the Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains comes in. Who cares if these guys win or lose? The Heroes will be scared just because they showed up." Shigaraki explains as he was sitting at the bar with cards placed out in front of him.

"They're sacrificial pawns?" Kurogiri questions.

"Come on. Do you really think I'm that heartless? I'd never underestimate their strength. They may have different goals than me, but they're comrades, nonetheless. In a society bound by ridiculous rules, Villains aren't the only ones who are being oppressed. Let's hope they can pull this off." Shigaraki responds as he was starring at a picture of Katsuki Bakugo, who won the Sports Festival.

(To Dabi)

"Nice move. Guess you really are a Pro." Dabi compliments as he looks up to see Aizawa used his scarf to hang on the building allowing him to avoid the fire. Holding up his hand, Dabi goes to let out another blast.

"Not so fast." Aizawa insists as his eyes glowed red and quickly binds Dabi with his scarf. Pulling the scarf towards him, Aizawa meets Dabi's face with his knee causing Dabi to let out a grunt. Pulling the scarf once again, Aizawa pins Dabi to the ground face first.

"What do you want and where are your friends hiding?" Aizawa asks as he grabs a hold of Dabi's arm.

"My what?" Dabi questions.

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