Ch. 20 Are you?

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It's been two months since I started working as a hit man, but I'm never the one to do it I leave it to Toga and end up at the place The Lady assigned as my home covered in blood. I've gotten pretty used to it though, but ever since I first saw The Lady I haven't seen her again. I receive calls from her assistant, who also wires the money I'm paid through a card that The Lady gave me.

"God, I feel exhausted..." I trail off as I sit up from my bed and let out a sigh.

"At least it's a day off." Toga points out and I nod as I stand up and beginning dressed. "First day off in a while, huh?" I wonder as I then brush my hair.

"Isn't it the day you agreed to send you're parents money?" Toga asks and I nod.

"Yeah, then I never contact any of them again." I answer as I walk over to the Kitchen and begin to make myself some coffee. Suddenly a knock at the door causes me to tense up a bit with a confused expression. "Who the could that be?" I wonder as I stare over at it.

"Do you want me to take over?" Toga question, but I shake my head as I walk over to it and open the door to see Giran standing there with his toothy smirk.

"You looked so different I almost didn't recognize you." Giran greets causing me to glare at him.

"What the hell do you want and how the hell did you know where I live?" I ask, but he give me a wink.

"A broker never gives away his clients." Giran answer causing me to scoff and walk away from the door causing Giran to walk in and shut the door behind me.

"What a lovely apartment." Giran compliments causing me to roll my eyes as I grab the cup of coffee and take a sip of it.

"What do you want, Giran? I know you're not here just to check up on me." I point out as he then takes a seat as my dining room table.

"Ah yes. I would like to cash in my favor..." Giran trails off and my eyes widen.

"Today?!" I exclaim as I nearly spit out my coffee and he chuckles.

"So I'm assuming you had plans today? Well not a problem, it'll be later today. We'll need to change you're look once again anyways." Giran informs causing me to make my way over to him.

"What the hell do you mean?" I ask causing him to smirk.

"I need Himiko Toga, (Y/N). I need her to be a recruit for Shigaraki's Action Squad." Giran answers and I nearly drop my cup.

"Wait... You're favor is to turn me back into Shigaraki?!" I exclaim, but Giran shakes his head.

"No, not you as I've said. Himiko Toga a malicious killer, who can help Shigaraki and be apart of his team. He'll never know it's you after you turn into Himiko Toga, who you were originally supposed to be." Giran explains and my stomach drops.

"What about my work for The Lady?" I ask causing him to scoff.

"She no longer needs you, so I'm taking you back. However she told me you could continue to stay here if you need it." Giran answers as he gets up from the table and tips his hat he was wearing to me.

"Meet me at the Boutique I brought you too around... Let's say 1?" Goran question causing me to slightly not and he walks over to the door.

"See you then Himiko Toga." Giran slyly spoke and then left out the door.

"Damn it!" I shout as I quickly rush over to the sink and poured out my coffee.

"I wanted to stab him..." Toga trails off causing me to sigh as I placed my cup in the sink.

"Me too." I whisper, while turning and walking over to the couch grabbing my bag off of it. "Let's go get this money situation over with." I think as I walk over and out the door, locking it behind me. Beginning to make my way down the stairs, I set off for the nearest ATM using they Alleyways I know best. Finally making it to the ATM I let out a sigh as I walk over to it and get my bag off my back and begin to open it.

"Shut up Weird Hair!" A voice I know all to well causes me to turn, but as I do I'm knocked onto the ground and stuff falls out of my purse. "Oh no, please." I think as I quickly get to my knees and begin picking up my stuff.

"Dang man, sorry he didn't mean to." Another's familiar guys voice apologizes as I look over to see Kirishima grabbing some of my stuff.

"Watch where you're going damn it!" The voice calls out as he bends down to see Bakugo, who grabbed my wallet and goes to hands it to me, but stops as he looks at my face. We stared at each other for a moment, but then I quickly grab the wallet from him and bowed as Kirishima placed the things back in my purse.

"Thank you, I'll be more careful." I thank trying to use a different voice, while continuing to look down as I could feel Bakugo's eyes still plastered on me. "He hasn't recognized me, has he?" I wonder as with a worried expression.

"Oh no, miss that was definitely our fault." Kirishima insists causing me to nod.

"Are you- No Nevermind!" Bakugo shouts as he begins to walk away causing me to stand up and Kirishima let's out a sigh.

"Sorry about that, well be more careful miss!" Kirishima calls out as he rushes after Bakugo causing me to let out a sigh. "I could've sworn he had figured it out... Thank God." I think as I grab the card from my wallet and place it into the ATM. Clicking the right buttons the cash begins to come out of it and I quickly shove it into an envelope I'd already had ready and sealed it. Putting the card back into my wallet, I stuck it into my purse and begin to walk towards the Post Office that was a little ways away.

"Once you do this we'll be free." Toga chuckles and I nod. Walking up to the Post Offices mail box, I drop the letter into it and let out a sigh. Suddenly, a phone begins to go off causing me to put on a confused expression. "When have I had a ringtone like that?" I ask as I pull out my old phone and my eyes widen to see Bakugo's name on it.

"So it is you, dumbass..." Bakugo's voice trails off causing me to look up to see him a few feet in front of me.

"No." I whisper as I begin to back up, but then go to run away. Suddenly Bakugo catches my wrist and dragged me into the alley next to us and bend me against the wall with an angry expression.

"You're alive?!" Bakugo exclaims, but I don't look up at him and stare at the ground.

"I don't know what you're-"

"Don't play dumb!" Bakugo shouts as he holds up the phone in my hand as evidence.

"You should have... Let me go." I insist as I look up at him, but he scoffs.

"What the hell are you going on about?! WHY DID YOU LET EVERYONE BELIEVE YOU'RE DEAD?!" Bakugo exclaims, but I then try and push him off of me.

"Stop, just leave me alone!" I bellow, but he shake his head.

"TELL ME, DUMBASS!" Bakugo demands, but I finally look him in his bright ruby red eyes.

"I CAN'T!" I scream causing Bakugo to let go of me.

"Why not?" Bakugo asks with worry plastered on his face.

"I made a choice and I can't take it back." I answer turning away from him.

"What choice?" Bakugo questions, but I shake my head.

"It's none of your concern." I respond as I begin to lift myself up with my Quirk.

"(Y/N)!" Bakugo calls out, but I glare down at him.

"Leave me alone!" I demand as I set myself on the building and began to hear explosions sound off. "Shit, I figured he wouldn't give up that easily!" I think as I hear a chuckle.

"We should head to that Giran bastard." Toga insists and I nod.

"I got to lose him first..." I trail off as I touch my hands to my feet making them lighter and jump to the next rooftop over and quickly make my way into the Alleyway bellow it.

"Dumbass!" I hear Bakugo call out, but I grit my teeth and begin running.

Troublemaker (Dabi + Bakugo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now