Ch. 22 The Plan

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I was sitting at the table drinking some coffee back at my apartment that I was allowed to keep thanks to all my work I did for The Lady. However, I couldn't stop thinking about my encounter with Dabi the other day.

(The other day)

What a waste of time..." Dabi trails off with a scoff as Giran and Toga excited the base.

"Ooh I can't wait till Handy-Man comes to a decision!" Toga chirps. "I can wait, I hope he tells us to fuck off." I think with a sigh.

"You really are a strange one." Dabi states as he narrows his eyes down at Toga. "Why did he act so nice to me, when he acts like this to everyone else?" I wonder as Toga chuckles.

"And you'd looked better if you bled more." Toga glares over at Dabi. "Was it cause he only thought of me as a naïve child?" I wonder as Giran then turns to us with an annoyed expression

"Both of ya shut it!" Giran demands causing Dabi to roll his eyes.

"That's enough crazy for one day... Let me know when that guy makes up his mind." Dabi declares as he then walks away. "Toga, switch with me." I instruct causing her to shut her eyes and I'm thrusted back into control.

"You bastard, old man!" I shout as I grab a hold of the collar on his shirt and pin him to the alley wall.

"Oh, slit his throat!" Toga cheers with a giggle.

"Wow, ya got a split personality're somethin'?" Giran asks, but I point towards the way Dabi left from.

"Why the hell was Dabi here?!" I exclaim, but Giran smirks.

"Kill him!" Toga chirps causing me to glare daggers at him.

"two of ya know each other?" Giran questions. "He obviously already knows the answer to that question." I think as I let out a scoff, but then let go of Giran's collar and begin walking away.

"Don't you dare contact me until that man-child makes his decision!" I respond clenching my fist with an annoyed expression.

"Next time, you should definitely let me cut him." Toga insists with annoyance in her voice.

"If that old man pulls another stunt like this, I'll definitely let you." I confirm causing her to chuckle.

(Present me)

"That isn't the only thing that's bothering me though..." I trail off as I glance over to see my old phone, I used to use before I "Died" keeps getting texts from Bakugo and occasional texts from Dabi, but I can't bring myself to read either of them.

"Bakugo isn't my type, but he sure is so sweet, isn't he?" Toga questions, but I shake my head.

"No, I wish he'd just give up on me." I respond as I let out a sigh.

"You shouldn't worry so much. I'm sure everything will work out!" Toga chirps. "I hope you're right." I think as I go to take another sip of my coffee when my work phone that was beside me began to ring.

"Hello?" I say through the phone, but it was silent for a moment.

"Ya really answer y're phone like that?" Giran's voice sounds out from the phone causing me to groan.

"Yeah, got a problem with it old man?" I ask causing him to let out a sigh.

"Ya'd better get ready as Toga. Shigaraki has givin' his first orders and ready ta put ya ta work." Giran answers.

"Ooh, finally!" Toga bellows causing me to scoff.

"Damn it..." I trail off, but he then chuckles.

Troublemaker (Dabi + Bakugo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now