Christmas Break!!

756 22 5

Beomie is king

Christmas break is starting tomorrow!

I thought it was today?

Is that why you didn't go to school today ;-;

Oh oopsie

;( I thought you were sick or something

I'm sorry!! 😭

It's ok :(

Lemme make it up to you
Gyu coming to ur house

But it cold
Tyun get you instead

Nah I'll get both of you
Gyu get out of the house

You're already here o-o

Taehyun get out of ur house too


We literally drove at the speed of light

That sounds illegal

Kai out

Me too?!

Junnie you too

On it babe 🤩


"Where are we going?" Beomgyu asked, looking outside the car window.

"Christmas shopping." Soobin answered, speeding down the highway.

"I get that we're going shopping, but why are you speeding? Are you really asking for a ticket?" Taehyun questioned, tapping the back of Soobin's seat.

"No. I have privileges from being a police officer's son." Soobin stated, continuing to speed down the road.

Not even two minutes later, a police pulls the five of them over. "Please explain why you were speeding at a hundred miles? Soobin-ah." The police asked.

"Uh- heyy.. please don't tell my dad." Soobin said with puppy eyes. The police men rolled his eyes.

"You're lucky I'm his brother. Anyone else would go straight over to your dad. I'll give you a warning, hm? One more time and I will give you a ticket, plus your dad will know about this."

"I won't do it again, sir." Soobin smiled cheekily.

"Good. I'll be off now. Bye you five." He then went back to his car.

"And you said we were fine." Huening stated.

"Who was he anyway?" Yeonjun asked.

"Pfft, he's my dad!" Beomgyu stated.

"What?" Everyone said at the same time.

"My parents are divorced so I have different dad's. I have like, three fake dads and one real dad. I only have one mom though."

"What the hell have you been through?" Taehyun questioned with a slight frown on his face.

"Plenty. I need a getaway from my mom one day.." Beomgyu mumbled.

"Well, this getaway will happen as soon as we become one." Soobin then hit the pedal and they now zoom off to the mall. Same mall as before.

"Ight, Beomgyu, Taehyun. I put you guys to clothes shopping. Meet us back here at seven."

"Got it." The two then go inside some clothes stores for Christmas outfits and stuff.

"Kai, do your best to find anything we could use to decorate Christmas cookies and such. I have the ingredients for gingerbread cookies and regular ones at home."

"Kay kay!" Huening then ran off for frosting and sprinkles.

"Junnie, baby. Come with me." Soobin grabbed his hand and lead him into a store of Christmas lights and furnishing.


"Beomie Hyunggg! We're supposed to be getting Christmas outfits, not hugging..!" Taehyun whined, trying to get Beomgyu off of his arm.

"But I want huggiesss~" Beomgyu pouted, hugging him tighter.

"We can hug after!" Taehyun said, rubbing his back.

"Mmm... fine. But that's a promise." He let's go. "Oh, instead of red and green colors, can we do blue and green instead? Those are like, special Christmas colors."

"Yeah sure. Anything's fine anyways. Afterall, these are going to be the outfits we wear when performing Christmas music and maybe our own too."

"Yep! Now come on!!" Beomgyu drags Taehyun down an aisle of blue and green winter stuff. Since it's probably not that cold, a simple blue and green sweater for the five of them in winter design was it for now. The same designed scarves and white gloves was to go with it.

And because they were sorta matching, they also bought five pairs of white and black combat boots with their sizes.

Satisfied with their work, Taehyun and Beomgyu went ahead and paid for the things before going back to the middle of the mall, meeting up with Huening Kai with his bag of red, black, white, green, blue, pink, purple, and yellow frosting. There was also white sprinkles.

"Oh? You're here. Where's the other two?" Taehyun questioned.

"Dunno. They told me to get frosting and sprinkles so I left and now they aren't here." Huening Kai replied.

"We're here!" A tired looking Yeonjun said, huffing with a Soobin behind him, also tired looking.

"We got Christmas decorations and stuff to like, make us noticeable." Soobin explained.

"Ohh, ok. Well let's get going now. It's already seven." Taehyun stated.

"Yeah, exactly. Everyone, to the car!"

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