White room

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"Guys, is that smoke in the shape of a giant cat?" Soobin questioned, pointing up at the same black fog that surrounded them earlier.

"Ah- yes." Beomgyu answered.

Suddenly, the room starts to shake. Not even seconds later, one by one, everyone passed out. Taehyun was left last to see it all happen.

When they awoken, they were now in a random white room. Nothing was inside, it was just white.

"Guys?? Where are you!" Yeonjun shouted, the room echoing.

"Yeonjunie Hyung!" Huening Kai shouted as well.

Taehyun's turn to shout. "Guys! Follow my voice! Maybe you'll find me!"

"Taehyunie!!" Beomgyu shouted.

Soobin was slightly following their voices each time they said something. Piecing things together, he noticed that everyone was on different sides from him, meaning he was straight in the middle of the five.

"Guys!!" Soobin shouts. "Follow my voice, I'm in the center of this blank room!"

And with that, the five try following Soobin's voice. "Soobin Hyung! Keep talking or sing something!" Beomgyu shouts.

"Uhmm.. ok!" Soobin replied. He quickly thinks of their song that they wrote for Christmas and sang that.

Aka, Sweet Dreams, the actual Christmas song they wrote this year.

The separation then soon came to an end as Yeonjun made his way towards Soobin, tackling him to the ground in desperate need of interaction.

"Soobinnie~ oh thank goodness I found you first!" Yeonjun exclaimed excitedly.

"Yay I found you two too!" Huening Kai cheers.

"We did too!" Taehyun and Beomgyu say at the same time, holding each other in their arms. Since Huening didn't wanna be alone, he jumped towards the two standing and hugged them tightly.

"Ehh, why not hug them? Why us?" Beomgyu asked, giving Huening Kai a questionable look.

"Because, they're on the floor and I wouldn't get up once I'm on the ground." He explained.

"Whatever, can we just figure a way out first?" Yeonjun asked, standing up and bringing Soobin up with him.

"I think that's the way out." Taehyun said, pointing up at a latch on the white ceiling.

"Woah, good eye, Tae." Soobin said. Using his height as an advantage, he grabbed onto the latch and twisted it open to reveal the night sky.

"Weird, there's no building or anything, just the outside world." Huening Kai stated the obvious.

"I'll climb out first, you four stay behind me at all times." Yeonjun said, readying himself up the opening.

Soobin helped him up by giving him a little boost. Then, the rest went up as well.

"Nice, alright guys, follow me!" Yeonjun then leads the way to somewhere they have no idea is.

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