Choi Odi

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Beomgyu silently sat on his desk's chair, staring up at the ceiling with his legs in a crossed position. He sighed as his boredom was getting him nowhere.

Just two more hours until Taehyun gets home, then his boredom would be cured.

A knock on the door was heard. "Come in." He said to the person at the door. In came Soobin and his son, Odi. Aka, his pet hedgehog that he so happened to have living in the dorms.

"Odi's being weird today, can you please help me out?" Soobin asked, holding a squirming Odi in his hands.

"Why would you come to me? You know how he's like around me." Beomgyu stated.

"Just help me out, please!"

Beomgyu sighed before walking over to him and taking Odi away from Soobin. "Oi, Odi. Stop it will you?"

Odi stops and stared up at Beomgyu. Soobin and Beomgyu look over at each other in confusion. "How on earth?" Soobin questioned, Odi then moved again.

This time he jumped out of Beomgyu's hands and sticked the landing, then he ran out of Beomgyu's room.

"Oh my god, Odi! Come back here!" Soobin groaned, chasing after Odi.

"I think he needs help.." Beomgyu whispered to himself, sitting back over at his desk. He didn't know what to do today, and he surely wasn't going to sleep as he is waiting for Taehyun.

He giggled to himself as he heard Soobin's shouting for Odi and the running around in the dorms. He could also tell Huening Kai was there by the loud dolphin scream of his.

The screaming turned into panic as everyone, besides Beomgyu, panicked once Soobin said, "We lost Odi!". Beomgyu couldn't care less, he was on the verge of death from his boredom, plus he had a feeling Odi would just come to him instead.

About an hour later, another knock on the door was heard, but the door was already open. Beomgyu looked over to see no one at the door. He then looked down incase it was Odi and there, Odi was staring up at him again. Just as he thought.

"Uhh.. hey?" Beomgyu said. Odi then slowly crept towards him. Once Odi was below Beomgyu's chair, he held his hand down towards the lil hedgehog and picked him up once he got on top of Beomgyu's hand.

After that, Beomgyu placed Odi on his desk and Odi roamed around a bit. A silent Soobin also crept into his room, obviously getting noticed by Beomgyu. Not Odi though.

"Odi-ya, why don't you go back to Soobinie Hyung?" Beomgyu asked calmly as he put his head closer to the hedgehog, blocking the view of Soobin.

Odi just stood in place, looking Beomgyu's face up and down.

Then, Soobin comes in and sweeps Odi up and locked him in his hand cage. "Thanks for helping again!" He said as he ran with Odi trying to escape from him.

Beomgyu was still very confused, so he followed. He watched as Soobin placed Odi back in his spot then try to escape again.

Beomgyu went near Odi and crouched beside him, staring at the creature. Odi stopped his escape and stared back up at him.

Smiling, Soobin used this chance to get Odi's playpen a roof. He duck taped the sides so it wouldn't somehow get detached and then he made sure the cage bit on the sides stayed towards the ground.

Odi's senses were brought back when Beomgyu looked up at Soobin. "Thanks for helping again, I don't think I would've got him back in his cage without you." He said.

"Ah it's fine, I just didn't think Odi would react to me this way. To be honest, it's kinda creepy." Beomgyu said blankly.

"Beomie~!" Taehyun's voice beamed from the hallway.

"Oh! Taehyunie's here! Gotta go Soobie!" And off ran Beomgyu for his cuddle session with Taehyun.

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