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Beomgyu was minding his own business, reading his book in his dorm room. Suddenly he heard a shriveled scream from across the hallway.

Quickly getting up from his chair, he rushed to where the noise was most chaotic and saw Soobin standing beside his doorway, soaked.

"Uhm.. what happened here?" Beomgyu asked, not really surprised.

"What do you think happened?!" Soobin shouted. He was angryyy. "Who the hell did this!!?"

A familiar giggle was heard from the living area of their dorm. Huening Kai.

"Oh great, it's the fifth time this week." Yeonjun said, standing beside his own doorway. His face was covered in ink from a certain someone drawing on his face.

More laughter from Huening Kai.

"Still wondering why he hasn't pranked me yet." Beomgyu stated. The other two just shrugged.

It went silent for a bit before evil laughter was heard from Kai. He had something else up his sleeve.

Beomgyu just shrugged it off and walked over to the kitchen, opening the fridge. Inside was the head of Taehyun. Well, not really. It's fake.

"Hey guys, I think I found Taehyun." Beomgyu said in a veryy sarcastic tone with an eye roll.

"But I'm here?" Taehyun questioned, coming out of Beomgyu's room sleepily. He rubbed the sleepiness off his eyes as he slowly walked to Beomgyu.

"Darn it." Huening Kai said under his breathe, which in fact everyone heard since the dorm was silent and it echos.

He then made his escape off to his own room.

"What's up with him these days?" Yeonjun groaned, trying to wipe off the ink with a 'wet tissue'

"Let's not question him. He's probably like that since we're on break from work." Soobin just shrugged.

"I haven't been pranked by him." Taehyun said with a yawn following.

"That's because you'd kill him, Taehyun-ah." Beomgyu stated.


"Enough of this. We need payback." Yeonjun whispered.

And so, they thought of a payback prank towards Huening Kai.


"Guys!!" Soobin exclaimed, running into the living room area where everyone was all situated in at the moment.

"Hm? What's wrong Soobie Hyung?" Beomgyu questioned, looking over at the other.

"You look petrified.." Huening Kai pointed out.

"Yeah, anyways. Yeonjun, I really need you help." Soobin said desperately with puppy eyes, kneeling down in front of Yeonjun.

"Wh-what's wrong babe??" Yeonjun asked, holding Soobin's chin up gently.

"Odi! He's gone missing!" Soobin cried, shoving his face on Yeonjun's lap.

Taehyun gasped. "Ok, no one stepped on little Odi did they??" He questioned, lifting his feet up from the floor. Everyone did the same.

"Or sat??" Beomgyu questioned this time. Everyone stands up from their seat on the couch.

With a sudden thud coming from Huening Kai's room, everyone hurried on over there.

"What in the.." Kai started. No one was there and nothing was different.

Well, besides the smirking faces of his friends.

With no time to react, Odi jumps out of no where which scares the youngest, his dolphin scream echoing around the room.

Beomgyu and Yeonjun both jumped from the Odi attack. But it's fine. They were just glad Huening Kai actually reacted to the scare as he normally doesn't.

Everyone laughed at the scared boy before saying all together, "Payback bitch!!" Then running away.

The day ended happily with everyone agreeing to no more pranks and congratulating Odi for being such a wonderful part in this plan.

Paid actor Odi wasn't actually part of the plan. Huening Kai was supposed to be scared by a squished up Odi doll under his chair's cushion.

At least it ended all right :)

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