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↡︎Songs they sang in order↡︎

After the show

"Phew, I'm so tired I could take a nap right here right now." Huening Kai said as he laid himself on the couch of the resting area.

"Mhm.." Beomgyu replied, falling on top of Huening Kai's legs.

Taehyun topples himself on top of Huening as well. "Hey.. I didn't say you two can sit on me!" Huening exclaimed.

"Just let them be, Kai. They're just as tired as you are and you're hogging the couch." Yeonjun stated, sitting himself on Soobin's lap, which Soobin was seated on the floor.

"How did we become this popular in just months again?" Beomgyu asked, finally getting off of Kai.

"Hmm.. well we agreed to join BigHit's company which was also under the same group Jungkook Hyung's in with his own worldwide popular group.. maybe that's the reason?" Taehyun answered, sassily.

"Eh, makes sense. But I'm so tireed! Not only that but I have to hide my relationship with Taehyunie.. I'm cuddle deprived!" He then fell to the floor as Huening Kai and Taehyun got off the couch.

"He could cuddle you all you want once we get back to the camper van. But for now, we still have a show to put on." Yeonjun stated.

He then got off of Soobin's lap and brought Soobin up to his feet as well.

"Let's go make our Moas happy." Soobin said with a smile.

The others hum as a reply then they all get back on the stage to meet a bunch of their fans dead silent with their eyes staring up at them.

"Uhm..?" Taehyun starts, his voice beaming from the speaker. That's when he realized, their mics were on the entire time, meaning their fans had heard their entire conversation.

For the next few seconds, the room was just quiet. All of a sudden, Moa started cheering which, to the five, thought was for no reason as they hadn't really done anything so far.

"Ah.. Guy's shhh. Please explain to us what happened?" Beomgyu called out, silencing their Moa once again.

A girl in the crowd raised her hand and said as loud as her voice could take her, "We heard Beomgyu-Oppa say he was cuddle deprived!"

And that is how the Choi Beomgyu fainted on stage...

Nah, jk he didn't. He's just being a wholesome lil flustered puppy.

The Moas cooed at his cuteness and continued to cheer as Taehyun was soothing him with his hand petting Beomgyu's hair to try an calm his flustered self, except that just made him worse.

He was embarrassed now, hiding himself from the crowd by hiding behind the tallest of them all, Soobin. He also dragged Taehyun with him but that's besides the point. The point is, now there's two tall mfs beside an even taller mf that you can consider them tiny.

Oh how Moa would just love to compare the height differences.

"We support you TaeGyu!!" A group of teenager Moas screamed at the top of their lungs, and they were seated more at the middle back row than the front row.

That made them happy. Welp, time for them to expose the other couple of the group. Well actually, Kai did all the work.

"Hey Moa!! YeonBin is real!" Huening Kai said into his mic.

Soobin was ready to end him right there but of course his Boyfie was there to stop him.

"We support you guys too!" Almost everyone said in the crowd. Obviously not everyone since there do be homophobes in the crowd, sadly.

And that is actually how the showcase ended, with MOA supporting the TXT members, and getting scolded by their manager for letting such private information out to the public. Just like, a thousand MOAs.

"Keep whatever was said a secret, just between Tomorrow x Together and MOA."

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