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"Taehyun-ah." Beomgyu called, shaking his sleeping figure that was on his bed.

Taehyun groaned, shoving Beomgyu away slightly before turning the other way.

"Taehyunie." Beomgyu called out again, more with a tone of worry. This time Taehyun faced him.

"What's wrong?" He replied.

"I saw something in my dreams.. a nightmare." Beomgyu whispered. Taehyun raised a brow at him.

He had a nightmare which was why he decided to join Beomgyu in his bed. Not long after, Huening Kai joined them. And now, Beomgyu's the one getting nightmares.

Huening Kai was now awake as Beomgyu and Taehyun's conversation woke him up.

"You guys ok?" He asked. Beomgyu just nodded to reassure him that everything's fine.

Suddenly they heard a knock on the door. Beomgyu unlocked the door and in came Soobin and Yeonjun. They had a look of worry on their faces.

"Thank god you're ok, Beomgyu." Yeonjun started, Soobin closing the door behind them and locking it.

"Why? What's wrong?" Beomgyu asked, weary of everything that's happening.

"I had a weird dream that you were taken in by shadows or something. Like, black stuff just pulled you in somewhere then you disappeared." Soobin said.

"I had a similar dream as well, except you were in a black space and were terrified.. you also were crying as well." Yeonjun said.

"Wh-what?" Huening Kai spoke up. He tightly wrapped his arms around Beomgyu's right arm. "I don't want you to disappear."

"Ah, Hyuka. I won't disappear." Beomgyu said reassuringly, not really helping anyone as his facial expression's said differently.

"Beomie, what did you see in your dreams?" Taehyun asked. Everyone's attention went to him.

"You had dreams too?" Beomgyu nodded at Yeonjun's question.

"You guys remember the cat we defeated, correct?" Everyone nodded. "Well, the cat turned black again by some guy who used dark magic. They were the one who created the cat in the first place and that person's out for us." Beomgyu explained what he saw in his dream.

"Could it be that these dreams are warning us? The cat could be coming for us again.." Taehyun said.

"Yeah, but I'm still confused. How come your dream was about you drowning?" Beomgyu asked.

"I'm not sure but I hope that doesn't happen." A shiver ran down his spine.

Beomgyu nodded. "Ok then, we will avoid the practice room at all costs."

"Why the practice room?" Soobin asked.

"That's the place where I had my dream!" Huening Kai said. "That's the place where I saw the cat."

"Mhm, so whatever happens, we stay away from the practice room." Taehyun said.

Not even an hour later.

"Ugh, we're here.." Yeonjun grumbled.

"Can't believe Manager made us come here after we clearly explained it's dangerous here." Soobin stated.

"Clearly. Tsk, whatever. Since we all know what the problem is, we might have a way of taking down the cat once and for all." Beomgyu shrugged.

"We all still have our gifts, right?" Everyone nods to Taehyun's question. "Alright, then Huening you know what to do when it comes."

"Yes sir!" Huening Kai then held pulled his sleeves up.

"We should all huddle up just incase we get separated." Beomgyu stated.

They do as he says. Now it was time to wait for the destruction to happen.

Right on cue, black fog pile up in the room and surround the five, not being able to separate them as their arms interlocked with the person beside them as they formed a circle.

"Hyuka, your gift!" Taehyun shouted, Huening nodding then reaching out to touch the cat. It faded to a gray before turning white.

"Nice. Now Yeonjun, although this might seem a bit mean- destroy it." Beomgyu said.

"Yes sir!" Yeonjun excitedly said and uses his gloves that he brings everywhere with him to destroy the now white cat.

It's particles just float in the air, turning into white dust before fading away.

In the middle of that cat, was a person. Their hood and mask made it hard to see their face.

Soobin takes out his sword and froze the person in place. They struggled to escape as Taehyun and Beomgyu made their way over to the other. Beomgyu ripped off their mask as Taehyun ripped off their hood.

They all gasp at the sight of their manager.

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