Gone in a Flash

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"Yes, finally finished with the song!"

I do a little stretching to loosen my stiff muscles from sitting in my chair the whole morning. I look at the time and decide to go on a bike ride and get some coffee at the coffee shop near by to relax and get a little energy before practice. As I walk out of my studio I get stopped by Jungkook.

"Hyung! How is the song coming?"

"I actually just finished it and going to go get a coffee to relax for a bit. Do you want to join me?"

"No, I'm good I about to do live and I don't want to interrupt your relaxing time."

"Okay, well I'll see you are practice then."

"Bye Hyung!"

I look at my phone to see if I still have time to go to the coffee shop and make it back for practice in time. It is a ten minute bike ride to the coffee shop which should get me there a little before three and that should gives me 30 minutes to relax. I decide to take a book I'm currently reading and head out.

As I head to the coffee shop I watch the scenery imagining what colors everything is. I haven't had much luck in finding my soulmate, not that I actually have time to go out and find her, I have always dreamed of meeting my soulmate, but life has a different plan for me.

When I get to the shop I order my drink and take a seat at a window table near the door. I'm reading my book for about 20 minutes when a girl walks through the door and I can see color.

I'm frozen and I don't know if it is because of shock or joy. Then everything goes back to black & white. I get up to follow the girl, but when I get close enough to be able to see color nothing changes it is still the dull neutral colors that I have know my whole life. I turn around to grab my things and decide to leave and head back to the company for practice, I hope that the bike ride back can clear my head and calm down my nerves.

When I get to the dance studio I am still out of it but I try my best to pay attention to the choreographer and to get the dance moves down, but  I can't seem to get the flash of color and how it was gone in the blink of an eye out of my head and I know the guys can see the distress on my face.

Once practice is finished I decide to go back to my studio to see if that will clear my mind but to no avail so I decide to call it a day and head home. When I get home I can hear the guy talking in the living room and that is when I hear my name and I know that they are talking about how I was out of it at practice.

Once I get in the living they stop talking and stare at me, so I decide to sit down and tell them.

"I saw color today."

All the guys are sitting silent half have expressions of shock and the other half have expressions of joy.

Yoongi is the first to speak up.

"So, who is the lucky girl?"

"That's the thing, I don't know who it is everything was black & white as soon as I blinked. I thought it was the girl that walked into the coffee shop at the same time I saw color but it wasn't her. I lost my soulmate right when I found her."

All at once their expressions changed to that of sadness and pity. That is when Jimin speaks up.

"I'm sorry hyung, we know that you have dreamed of meeting your soulmate. The coffee shop is close to the company so maybe you will cross paths with her again."

The others all in unison nod in agreement with Jimin's statement.

Thanks guys, I think I'm going to head to bed hopefully some sleep will clear my mind.

See You in Color: Color FlashesWhere stories live. Discover now