Color Scheme: Operation Movies

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It is late Saturday morning when I wake up to the sound of someone walking into my room. I open my eyes, still blurry from sleep, but I can see that it is Michaela with a tray of food.

"Hey y/n, the girls thought we could spend the day doing things we think you would like. So we made you made you some breakfast in bed."

"That's so sweet of you guys, you didn't have to do that."

"We know we didn't but all of us have been busy with work and we weren't able to help comfort you this whole week, so we wanted to do something to help get your mind off of it."

"Well, thank you. You said things as in plural so I'm guessing breakfast in bed is not the only thing you girls have planned?"

"No it is not. We know how much you have been wanting to see the new Spider-Man movie so we preordered tickets for the 2pm showing."

"Oh my god really!? If we want to make it on time I'm gonna have to eat quick."

"Well then I'll leave to your food then. We know you don't like being late."

Michaela leaves my room and I get out of bed to set out close and eat while doing so, might as well as multitask to save time.


I wake up to a knock on my bedroom door, a few seconds later Jin opens the door and my room is filled with the amazing smell of cooked bacon.

"Hey Joon, we just finished making breakfast. Do you want to join us?"

"No I'm good I stayed up pretty late thinking about the song so I'm going to sleep a little longer."

"Really, are you sure? Cause the guys and I preordered tickets for the 2pm showing of the new Spider-Man movie so we were going to see if you wanted to tag along with us but if your just going to sleep I'll tell the guys you said no."

When I hear Spider-Man come out of Jin's mouth I am out of my bed faster than I ever thought I could.

"Well why didn't you mention that before? Just let me order a ticket for myself as well and I'll be right out."

"No need, we bought you one already"

"Really? How much was the ticket and I'll  pay you back?"

"You don't need to pay us back. We wanted to do this for you to help easy your mind on the whole soulmate thing so it is our treat."

"Thanks hyung! Just let me get changed and I'll be right out for some breakfast."

"Okay, I'll see you in a few."

At movie theater


We made sure to make a group chat with everyone except y/n and Joon. We thought that would be best compared to just one of us messaging one of the girls and us having to relay what each other said to everyone else. This way Joon and y/n don't get suspicious when we start whispering to each other and not including them.

When we are in line for popcorn and drinks we get a text from Lauren letting us know that they just parked.  It's when we got our orders and started heading to the theater that we saw the girls come in. They are far enough away that we don't see color but I can recognize everyone but the one that is in the center of the group. So that must be y/n, I can just tell by her style and demeanor that she is Joon's type.

I nudge the other nodding my head in the girl's direction letting the know they are here but Joon must of saw and asked us if we knew who they were.

"Oh no we don't know them, but they are pretty cute. I already have my eye on one. What about you Joon?" Jin in says

Thank god Jimin was quick enough to come up with that reply. We all look at Joon in anticipation to hear his answer.

"Guess the one in the center isn't that bad looking, she's actually really pretty. Any way shouldn't we head to the theater we don't want to miss the movie because we were staring at some girls," Joon replies.

We get inside theater two and find our seats. A few minutes later that is no sign of the girls. Concessions should take that long I wonder what is keeping them up.

I start to get worried when the movie is almost ready to start and there still is no sign of girls. I decide to text the group to see where they are at. Lauren is the first to reply and we start messaging back and forth.

"We are in the theater in the middle row, where are you guys we don't see you?"

"We are in theater near the middle row but we don't see you. Shit. Wait. What theater are you in?"

"Theater three. What theater are you in?"

"Theater two."

Damn it how could we have messed this up?"

"I don't even know. We should have order the tickets together so we knew what theater to choose."

"Well it's too late to change them now. So what is plan b?"

This is when Hobi messages.

"Does y/n like nature?"

"Yeah she enjoys hiking, why?" Indica replies.

"There is a hiking/nature trail a couple minute drive away, Joon love nature and plants so we could try that as a meet up. Did you guys wear comfortable shoes to walk in?"

"Yeah we are all wearing sneakers."

"Great so if we don't run into each other after the movie we will meet at the trail. I'll send you the address now."

"Okay sounds like a plan, the movie is about to start and y/n is looking at us a little annoyed that we are in our phones during the movie. See you guys later."

"Ha, Joon and y/n are definitely soulmates cause Joon is doing the exact same thing to us."

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