Color Scheme: Operation Haunted House

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Today was our day off and the guys wanted to spend the day at the amusement park.  When we got to the amusement park I saw a group of girls by the gate looking around waiting for someone.

The first place we go to is the Viking ship ride, I think I can still hear Hobi's screams in my ears. We go on more of the rides and rest a bit near the roller coaster. I hear the scream of girls and the laughter of two other people begin when the roller coaster starts speeding around.

A little before the roller coaster stops we get up and head to the ferris wheel. We are about to get in line when I hear the same laughter from the roller coaster. The girls laugh starts off sweet and light but as she continues to laugh it develops into Jin's windshield wiper laugh so I can't help but smile and turn to see who the laugh belongs too.

I see the group of girls from earlier but none are the owner of the laugh but as the taller one slightly moves I see that the laugh belongs to y/n. When I see y/n I begin to leave the line so I can avoid her but I then see her look at the same guy from the museum. I decide to get back in line because I know if I leave I will end up watching y/n and the guy from the ground the whole time so it's better if I get on the ride myself.

I ended up sharing the seat with Jungkook on the ride. When we are at the top I look down and see y/n and the guy get on and I start to feel the anger rise. To ease my mind I start talking to Jungkook.

"What made you guys want to come to the amusement park?"

"We haven't been here in awhile so we thought it would be a fun place to take a breather from work. I also wanted to go to the haunted house they have so we planned after this ride to do that as the last thing."

"Well you guys were right this was fun."

"Then why do you look like you are hating it right now?"

"When we got in line a little bit ago, I saw y/n."

"Seeing y/n made you upset?"

"Not at first. I was going to get out of line but when I see that she was with the guy from the museum it made me mad and I didn't want to watch them together so I just stayed."

"Oh, well we were going to the haunted house after this so maybe getting scared will get your mind off of it."

We are soon all off the ferris wheel and head to the haunted house.


As the groups gets off the ride the girls suggested to go to the haunted house. I'm surprised Michaela and Amy agreed to go because they get scared easily, but Bu Geon is the one that is lenient.

"Bu Geon do you get scared easily?" I ask

"Yeah, I do."

"You can stay by me, I don't get scared easily so I can protect you," I jokingly say.

"It's true she doesn't scare easily, but be careful around her she loves scaring people," Amy says.

"Does she scare you guys?"

"All the time," says Lauren.

"Hey! I don't mean to do it some of the time. I can't help that I walk quietly."

"We know but, I swear you were a ninja in your past life because of how quite you are," Michaela says.

"Well I'll be sure to keep an eye on her while we are in there to make sure she doesn't try to scare us" jokes Bu Geon.

As we get to the haunted house I notice a group of guys pushing one of their screaming friends into the haunted house.

When we get to the haunted house Bu Geon and I are the first to go in. The beginning wasn't that scary but almost at the end a loud scream and running from around the corner frightens Bu Geon, which makes him scream, grab my hand and pull me back.


Once we get to the entrance of the haunted house Hobi start turning around to not go in but Jungkook and Tae are pulling him in while I'm behind him pushing him in.

The whole way through Hobi is holding onto my arm or standing behind me using me as protection. Towards the end we turn a corner and someone pops out of the room and Hobi let's out the loudest scream I have ever heard come from him.

Around the same time Hobi screamed I thought I heard someone from around the corner scream but before I could look and see, Hobi bolts out of the haunted house pulling me with him.


Hobi has been doing a good job keeping Joon in the back far from the group, but when we are almost all the way through we hear Hobi scream and a minute later we see him running towards us pulling Joon with him. Before we could stop them Hobi runs past us and out of the haunted house.

The rest of us just look at each other and Yoongi pulls out his phone to text the girls.

Yoongi: Mission failed. Hobi got to scared and ran through with Joon.

Lauren: So he was the one we heard scream. y/n wasn't too far behind, but Bu Geon got scared when Hobi screamed and he ended up pulling y/n back.

Jimin: How did he pull her back?

Sheka: He gets scared easily so when Hobi screamed it startled him and he grabbed her hand. We are about to go through the exit but he hasn't let go of her hand yet.

Jungkook: Well if you guys come out and they are still holding hands make sure Joon doesn't see. He told me on the ferris wheel that seeing them together made him mad.

Chandler: Looks like he's not letting go anytime soon so when we see you we will go the other way. If Joon plans to sing his song at the award show we only have 2 weeks to get them together. Let's try to meet up this week to try to figure out what to do next.

Jin: We are pretty busy the rest of the week but we should be free to meet Saturday.

Michaela: Saturday works for us, see you guys then.

As the girls walk out of the haunted house I see the Bu Geon and y/n are still holding hands. When I look back to our group I notice that Joon is about to turn around, but before he could fully turn to see them I wrap my arm around his shoulder and turn to the group.

"So, it's gotten a little dark what do you guys say we head back to the apartment?"

"Sound good I kind of tired from Hobi making me run unannounced," Joon says.

"Okay let's head this way then. It's a short cut so we will get to the parking lot faster," Jimin says.

We are definitely going to need to come up with an amazing plan now if we want y/n and Joon to meet before the award show and we only have 2 weeks to do it.

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