Surprise Visit

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Joon and I have been acting like we are friends for the last few days and seeing my friends reactions to us has been a joy to watch but I think we have made them suffer enough that I'm going to talk to Joon about telling them the truth tomorrow.

I text Joon first thing in the morning.

Y/N: Hey I've been thinking and I believe that everyone has suffered long enough and we should tell them the truth tomorrow.

Joon: I totally agree, not only had the guys constant worry gotten to me but also the numerous calls from people claiming to be my soulmate has gotten out of hand. Maybe once we tell them I can post on my social media about finding you but I won't say who you are unless you are without your permission.

Y/N: Thank you. I'm ready to tell our friends but I don't know about revealing to the world just yet.

Joon: Okay.

I walk out of my room and see the girls gathered in the kitchen.

"What are you guys doing? Are you plotting something?"

"If you consider planning taking you out to eat plotting, then we are most definitely plotting," Michaela says.

"Why do you want to take me out?"

"We thought we could make it up to you for not telling you about us finding our soulmates," Lauren replies.

"Okay, so what time should I be ready?"

"We were thinking of going at lunch time, that way if Bu Geon wanted to join us he can." Indica says.

"Sounds good. I'll see if Bu Geon wants to join us when I get to work. I have to get going if I don't want to be late, I'll see you guys around 12."

"Okay we will pick you up at your office," Amy says.

I get to work at the same time as Bu Geon and join him in the elevator to go to our floor. It is then that I tell him that the girls wanted to invite him out to eat.

When I get to my desk there is a pile of work to be done for all the coming year promotions so I get to work right as I sit down.

The morning seems to go by quick cause the next thing I know is that I'm being tapped on my shoulder and I turn around to see the girls already here.

I get up to stretch and get ready to grab my things when someone front when mail room brings me a letter.

"What's this, I thought mail was already passed out?"

"Someone dropped it off at the front desk and said it was urgent you got it."

"Oh, thank you."

There is no return address only the initials J & O. I turn it over and open it and as I see the first name I immediately throw it away, grab my things and leave.

Bu Geon

I was very confused when y/n threw away a letter and stormed out of the office and the girls turned, their confused gazes following her.

I went over to look at what exactly she threw away and say that it was a wedding invitation with the initials J & O showing.

I pull the invitation out of the envelope and turn it over to see the full names of Jack and Olivia.

"Who is Jack and Olivia?" I ask the girls.

As the names left my mouth the girls head snap my direction like I just said an insult.

"Jack is her brother," Lauren says

"y/n has a brother?"

"Had a brother, they don't talk anymore. She doesn't think of him as a brother anymore," Sheka replies.

"Do you know what happened between them?"

"Yes, but that is something that only y/n should tell you about," Michaela says.

"She hasn't talked about it ever since it happened and we only know because we were the only ones that could comfort her when it happened," Indica adds.

After the girls explain we head out quickly to catch up with y/n. As we were leaving we made sure to keep an eye out for her in case she is still in the building but we didn't see her and she wasn't answering her phone.

We get outside and just like inside we don't see her. The only place we could think of where she went was back to their apartment so we head in that direction.


Once I saw who's name was on the wedding invite, I didn't even bother reading it and threw it in the trash. I grabbed my things and decided to leave.

I made sure I held in my tears until I got home so that no one can see me in this state and I'm grateful that I did because one of the first people I see once I'm out of the building is a ghost.

"What are you doing here and why are you at my office building?" I say as I walk past him.

"The only thing I knew about you coming here was where you were working so I had to bring the invitation here. I knew you would throw it away once you saw it so I figured I'd wait out here until you came out."

"You shouldn't have wasted the paper on a person you knew would throw it away and not attend."

"y/n your my sister why wouldn't you attend."

I stopped walking and turned toward him.

"I am not your sister. My brother died 3 years ago and you don't deserve to call me you sister not after what you did." I yell at him as my tears start to fall.

"But I didn't die, I'm right here."

"You're dead to me. You died the day you left me and dad. You knew that moms passing hit dad hard but you still left us with out saying a word not even a week after she died. No contact for 3 years and you decide that a wedding invitation was the right way to get back into contact. Go back to your fiancé whenever she may be and never contact me again and if I hear from dad that you contacted him don't think for a minute I won't kill you and make you dead to everyone."

I turn around to get away from him when he grabs my arm to stop me. I yank my arm out of his grasp but loose my balance and the last thing I see is black.

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