Second Chance

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Bu Geon 4 years ago

I found my soulmate Jisoo when I joined KQ entertainment. My desk was right behind her and I saw color right when I got to my desk. We started talking during our breaks and decided to go out to eat after work.

She told me that she was dating someone at the time but they had agreed that if one of them was to find their soulmate they would break up on good terms. I told her that she could take as long as she needed to to end it and that I was fine with waiting.

About two months later Jisoo told Bu Geon that she ended it with her boyfriend and they started dating. Since then we had been dating for a 11 months but I started to notice that whenever I was with her the colors were dull and not as vivid as they used to be. When it came to a year of dating I no longer saw color with her.

When all color was lost was when she told me that she ran into her ex 3 month into us dating and saw a little color with him and wanted to see why. She revealed that as he was losing color she was gaining it with her ex and she broke up with him.

Jisoo stayed with the company for 6 months until she quit to move to Daegu with her boyfriend. Her position was open for 3 months before the company found a suitable person to fill the position. That was when I saw one of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. The director introduced her by the name y/n. She said hello to everyone and was told to take Jisoo's old desk.

When she sat down in her chair I saw something that I thought I would never see again. Color. I had spent the last nine months not seeing color so it seemed foreign to me. What confused me more was that y/n wasn't reacting at all. Can she not see color? I roll over to her to personally introduce myself but also to do a little investigating.

"Hi, I'm Bu Geon."

"Hi, y/n."

"We are excited to have to on our team. If you have a question or anything don't hesitate to ask."

"Thank you, this is all kind of new to me to I may be asking you a lot of questions."

"What part is new? We were told that you have a few years if experience."

"Oh sorry, I should have been more specific. I'm new to Korea so that's new, as well as the honorifics. I also know that the American music industry is different from the Korean music industry so that will take some adjusting too."

"Oh okay. Well if you I can teach you some of the honorifics and the differences of the music industry during our lunch break."

"That would be amazing!"

"Great. I know a place nearby that has amazing food we can go there."


I couldn't think of a way to ask her about seeing color without sounding like a creep. I'm glad she agreed to eat lunch together cause that gives me time to think of a way to ask her.

It's lunch time and I decided that it would be better to wait for y/n to mention anything about color than if I was to mention it.

I took y/n to a small cafe for lunch that had cherry blossom trees down the sidewalk. As we walk there I see y/n looking at the trees with joy and what looks to be a little sadness. I stop walking to see if she is alright.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just enjoying the breeze and cherry blossoms."

"Do you like cherry blossoms?"

"Yeah they're my favorite. I'm always told what color they are but I sometimes wish I could see their color for myself."

"You haven't found your soulmate yet?"

"Nope. What about you, have you found your soulmate?"

"Yeah, I did."

We are soon at the restaurant and order our food. I answered all her questions she had and taught her some of the honorifics before we had to go back to work. During our breaks y/n and I would talk to each other and I could see us becoming good friends in the future. The rest of the day went by quick and I headed home with one question on my mind.

"Why can I see color around y/n, but she can't?"

I decided to do some research when I got home and everything I looked up went back to one thing. Second chance soulmates.

To say that I looked bad was an understatement. I barely got any sleep last night and I was dreading going to work.

I got to work a little before everyone else and made myself a coffee. When y/n sees me she stops and stares at me. Does she see color?

"Dang Bu Geon you look terrible. Bad night?"

"Definitely. I didn't get a wink of sleep."

"That sucks. If you want a quick shut eye I could be a look out for you so you don't get caught."

"No it's fine. I have my coffee to get me through the day."

"Oh okay, but my offer will be available all day if you need it."

"Thank you. I'll keep it in mind."

After only a week of y/n working at KQ everyone loves her from the trainees to the department heads. She's easy to get along with, outgoing, and energetic. I was surprised when she told me that she was a loner in high school and used to be an introvert.

After working with y/n for a month we became really good friends. She even said that I am her first friend she made in Korea. I soon realized that not only is y/n going to do great things with company but I can do great things with her by my side and I hope that it can last forever.

See You in Color: Color FlashesWhere stories live. Discover now