Pay Back

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"What do you mean get back at them?" Joon asked.

"They were scheming behind our backs. I think we should return the favor."

"Okay, but what do you have in mind."

"You said that the guys think we aren't soulmates because of the zoo and with my friends being their soulmates they most likely know about the zoo too. So I think we should use that to our advantage."

"Okay I get it, you want us to act like we aren't soulmates but how long should be act for."

"Exactly. We can go to the dressing room together and act like we don't see color and tell them we know that they are all soulmates and congratulate them. We need to be close to each other to make them question us and we do this for a few days until we think they have suffered enough and then tell them the truth."

"Then we better go now, the guys are probably wondering why I'm not back yet."

We leave the room and head to the dressing room prepare ourselves on the way. When we enter the room all of them go silent and stare at us with confused looks.

"Oh you guys were together," Jimin says.

"Yeah I ran into y/n after my performance and we just started talking."

"What did you guys talk about?" Lauren asked.

"Nothing much really just some casual conversations. I complimented him on his song and told him how I've experienced the same thing and he asked how my head was after laser tag."

"Ah okay," Tae says.

"So what are you guys all doing together?" I asked.

"Oh we were asked to clean up the dressing room and ran into them," Chandler says nervously.

"Oh really, are you sure it's not because you guys are soulmates?" I said.

"Wha... what. Why do you say that?" Sheka says as she looks at the other frantically.

"Well during laser tag Jungkook said all of them have found their soulmates other than Namjoon. Both Chandler and Sheka became very nervous when I started asking questions and they are rarely nervous. You guys are also very close together, to close for staff cleaning up and I found it suspicious that Hybe somehow hired all 5 of you to work without people on the inside pushing them. Also if you were in here to clean Lauren wouldn't be in here with you guys since she is a journalist and not staff."

"Fine, your right. We really wanted to tell you guys but we didn't know how you would react with your guys not finding your soulmate," Michaela says.

"That's really sweet of us guys; but you know me, I would have been so excited for your guys. Plus I would have got to meet BTS sooner than I actually did."

"Thanks y/n," Indica says.

"So who is with who? Oh wait I want to guess and you can tell me if I'm right or not."

"Okay, go for it," Amy replies.

"Okay I'm just going to list you guys off and when I'm done tell me my results. Jin-Michaela, Yoongi- Lauren, Hobi-Indica, Jimin- Sheka, Tae-Amy, and JK-Chandler."

"Oh my god how did you get us all right!" Jimin exclaims.

"Well Jin is Michaela's bias same as Yoongi being Lauren's so I went that that and the rest have the same personality as each other so I felt like it would be good matches. But to be honest for Jimin and Sheka not only was I taking their personally into account but also their heights matched perfectly," I say as I look towards Joon.

When I look over at him he is looking at me with a surprised look.

"What, why are you looking at me like that?"

"You guessed their matches just based on their bias, personality and height?"

"Yeah that's why I'm good at my job. I can tell from even little things whether a concept will work or if artists would be able to work together without clashing with each other."

I smile at Joon when I said this and before anyone could reply I get a call that I am needed to help load the vans. I hang up tell them I have to leave but I make sure to tell Joon to meet up with me sometime.

"Sorry duty calls. But Joon if you ever need to talk to someone that is in the same predicament as you don't hesitate to call me and we can meet up."

"Sure thing."


y/n has just left the dressing room and the girls soon leave after her to head home.

"So y/n is definitely not your soulmate?" Jungkook asked.

"Nope, you saw how close we were and I didn't see any color."

"I was really hoping she was. After playing laser tag with her I thought she was compatible with you. Plus how you acted when she was around Bu Geon made me hope," Jungkook continues.

"I'd be lying if I wasn't hoping the same thing," is the last thing I say before I go to change.

See You in Color: Color FlashesWhere stories live. Discover now