Accident pt. 1

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We had hurried outside to find y/n but she was no where is sight as we walked out of the building. We were about to head home to see if she had gone there, when we heard y/n yelling.

We ran in the direction we heard her yell from and as we turned the corner we saw her fall and hit her head on a bench behind her.

Jack rushes to her side as we run toward them. When we got closer I saw Jack shaking her lightly to wake her up but she is unresponsive.

Bu Geon, not knowing who Jack is, pulls him away from y/n.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Jack exclaims.

"I should be asking you the same thing seeing as you're the reason she fell." Bu Geon yells.

"Stop! He is y/n's brother, now call for an ambulance she is bleeding from the head and needs to get to a hospital." I yell at them.

I being to look around and see people gathering and a few having their phone out pointed towards us.

"We need to block y/n from people seeing her," I say.

Everyone starts to form a circle around Emily and Jack begins to join the circle.

"Not you, you have done enough. You can stay over there until the ambulance comes but after that we better not see you again," Chandler tells Jack.


All of us turn and glare at Jack before he can finish.

"Okay," he says as he stays where he is at.

A couple minutes later the ambulance arrives and they load y/n into it and hook her up to the equipment.

"We will need someone to come with us."

"I'll come," I reply.

"I'll meet you guys at the hospital," I tell the group before the EMT shuts the door and the ambulance leaves.


I'm scrolling on Twitter when I come across a trending video of what people are saying is a lover's quarrel and decide to watch it and see if the guys want to watch it too.

"Hey you guys should come watch this video of a lover quarrel with me so we know what not to do," I jokingly say as the guys except Joon gather around me to watch the video.

"Hyung don't you want to watch it too?" Jungkook asks.

"No I'm good. I'll just read my book and you can tell me what you learned."


After the video played for a few seconds Yoongi speaks up.

"Doesn't that look like y/n?"

Hearing y/n's name makes Joon join them.

"Yeah it kind of does but you can't really tell from the distance the video is taken," Jin says

"But who is that guy with her?" Hobi asks

"I don't know, people are saying it's a lover quarrel so maybe he's her soulmate mate since Joon isn't," I reply.

After I say this I see Joon tense up and clinch his jaw but my attention is brought back to the video when I hear the guy say y/n's name.

"Yep definitely y/n," Tae says.

I turn to Joon and see him clench his jaw even more, and next the next thing we see is y/n falling, the girls running to her side, and Bu Geon pulling the guy away from her.

Joon runs to his rooms and comes out with his jacket and pure rage radiating off of him and about to leave the apartment.

All of us are looking at each other confused with Joon's reaction and worried about y/n not moving anymore in the video.

"What are you doing?" Jin asks.

"I'm going to y/n and kill that bastard," Joon replies

"Woah stop right here. 1. Why are you reacting like that and 2. How are you going to get to y/n you can't drive and don't know what hospital she is going to be at," Yoongi says.

"I'm her soulmate that's why I'm acting like this and I'm just going to go to every hospital near her office until I find her."

All of us go silent from his soulmate comment and I look down at the video and see y/n being loaded into an ambulance.

"You don't have to go to every hospital she is at Shinchon Yonsei Hospital," I reply.

"How do you know that?" Hobi asks.

"That's what the ambulance that picked her up says on it."

"Okay let's go, but you are definitely going to tell us about y/n being your soulmate on the way," Yoongi says as he grab his car keys.

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