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Bu Geon

I knew something was wrong with y/n when she got back from the break room. She told me that it was from me doing the work she got the last two days but I knew from her expression it was something else.

Before I could ask her what was actually wrong she was headed to her desk so I decided to start on the speeches for the group that are nominated. With y/n being the one preparing the groups for the show I needed to get her opinion on a couple lines in the speech but when she didn't reply I turned around to see her staring at her computer screen reading something.

I roll over to her to talk to her and see that she is reading about second chance soulmates. I instantly start to panic wondering if she knows about her being my second chance soulmate. Did she hear something while she was in the break room? I start reading the article she has up not realizing I was reading it out loud.

y/n being startled gave me enough time to make sure my expression was normal. We talk for a bit but when she mentioned the birthday dinner and having it tonight I knew that she knew or at least had her suspicions so I agree to going out tonight.

At dinner

I decided to take y/n to the cafe I had taken her to on her first day 2 years ago. I can see that she is nervous and that something is on her mind. We are quite for a few minutes and we order our food. While we wait for our food I speak up.

"I think I know why you have been distant today."

"You do?"

"Yeah. You're wondering if you are my second chance soulmate."

"How did you know?"

"y/n, I have known you for over two years and know when something is bothering you and me doing the extra work is not why you looked off today. Plus you looking up second chance soulmates gave it away cause I did the same thing when I found out."

We go silent again when the waitress brings us our food.

"So it's true, I'm your second chance soulmate."

I nod my head as my reply.

"I'm sorry but I've seen color with someone else."

"I figured you have. The day that you started asking me about my soulmate and color kind of made me suspicious. Who's the lucky guy?"

"I actually don't know. When I saw color I ran back to where I saw it but I didn't see anything again. That was probably a month ago and I haven't had much luck since."

"Oh I'm sorry y/n I hope you will find him."

"Thank you. If you are comfortable with it would you be able to tell me about how you got to have a second chance soulmate?"

"Sure." I tell her what happened with Jisoo and how I saw color when she was hired after Jisoo quit.

"Thank you for telling me. It must have been hard having to see her after everything that happened."

"It was at first but over time it got better and then you showed up and the last 2 years have been amazing having you as a friend. Even though I'm not your soulmate I'd love to still be your friend and have things be how they have always been."

"I'd like for that too."

We continued talking throughout dinner about work and I am glad that nothing will change in our relationship. After we finish eating I take y/n to her apartment and bid her good night.


Bu Geon just dropped me off at my apartment building. I'm glad that he was able to tell me about Jisoo and the whole soulmate thing but I am glad we can stay friends and have nothing change.

I walk into my apartment and the girls are in the living room watching TV when they look over to me and start asking me questions.

"What are you doing back so late?" Lauren asked.

"Bu Geon and I decided to have the birthday dinner tonight so I was out with him."

"How was it?" Sheka asked.

"It was good. We learned some new things about each other."

"What kind of new things?"

"Oh nothing much. Just that I found my soulmate and I'm his second chance soulmate," I say really fast so the girls wouldn't understand it.

"Wait, what! He told you!?" Chandler exclaims.

Dang guess I didn't say it fast enough.

"Yeah...What do you mean he told me. Did you guys know?" I said with a little anger coming to my voice.

None of them replied and looked at each other.

"Did you guys know I was his second chance soulmate?" I said raising my voice and more anger seeping through.

Lauren was the only one to reply, "Yes."

"How long have you known and kept it away from me?"

"Since the day you had off and hung out with him," says Lauren.

"You guys have known that long and didn't think about giving me a hint or something."

"We didn't think it was our place to tell you," Amy said.

After Amy said this my anger subsided.

"I know and I'm glad you guys thought that but you still could have hinted at it and I could have figured it out on my own."

" y/n, you are oblivious to this stuff. You didn't even realize Bu Geon was flirting with you for the last two years, do you think you would have gotten a hint we gave," Indica says.

"Okay, hurtful but 1. You're right it would have taken me a while to realize the hints and 2. Was he really flirting with me this whole time and I didn't notice?"

"Yes he was flirting with you, actually a lot of guys flirt with you but you never noticed," Michaela says.

After Michaela says this I sit down and lay my head back on the chair.

"God, I am hopeless when it comes to romance."

"We know that's why this whole soulmate thing works in your favor cause you will know once you are near them that you won't have to know how to flirt," Sheka says to cheer me up.

"I know but it has been weeks since I saw color. What if my soulmate was a traveler and has gone back to their country and I'll never see color again?"

"You will, just give it some more time maybe fate is playing at hand and you will meet him soon," Michaela says.

"I hope you right. I'm gonna head to bed, I'll see you guys in the morning."

I lay in bed questioning my love life and think back to all the times guys have talked to me or hung out with and start making a mental list to ask the girls tomorrow whether they were flirting with me or not just to see how oblivious I was.

See You in Color: Color FlashesWhere stories live. Discover now