Color Scheme: Operation Amusement Park

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This morning Indica told me that for my half day we would spend it at the amusement park. After hearing this I made sure to wear something comfortable so I wouldn't have to change after work.

Once I got to work the Director informed the staff that we may have to stay a little past noon because of all the award show preparations but we should be able to finish around 1pm. I let the girls know and tell them not to wait for me and that I would meet them at the park.

I sit down at my desk next to Bu Geon and we start getting to work on the promotional video for the group. I notice that he looks tired and stressed.

"Hey Bu Geon what do you plan to do after work?"

"I was just planning to go back home and relax. Why do you ask?"

"The girls and I are going to the amusement park so I wanted to see if you would like to join us. You look stressed so I thought I should invite you to try to help."

"Sure, I haven't been to the amusement park in years, sounds like fun."

"Great! I already let the girls know that I'm working late so they will meet us there. Did you drive today or take the bus?"

"I drove so we can go together if you want to save on bus fare."

"Sounds like a plan."

We finished work around 1pm like the Director said. We make sure to save all our work and we head to Bu Geon's car. I texted the girls that we are leaving and would be at the park in about 30 minutes.

Amusement Park


We have been at the park for about 30 minutes and have our tickets when we get a text from y/n.

y/n: Work just ended. We will be at the park in about 30 minutes.

Sheka: Okay, see you in a bit we already have your ticket.

"What do you think she means by we?" I ask.

"Maybe it was a typo, you know how she always walks and texts so she sometimes messes up," Lauren replies.

"You're probably right. We should let the guys know that she is on her way and to see where they are at," Amy says.

Amy: y/n had to work later than we thought but she is on her way. Where are you guys at?

Hobi: We just parked, we see you guys standing by the gate. So we don't raise suspicion we will just go right into the park and determine where to meet once y/n gets here.

Chandler: Sounds good, we will let you know once she is here. I think the best place to meet would be the ferris wheel in the center of the park but we will see.

Jimin: Okay, we will see you in a bit then.

As the guys pass we get Jimin's text. We give a little nod to the boys and wait for y/n to get here.

20 minutes had passed when we see a car park and get a text from y/n.

Y/N: We just parked, I see you guys already.

"She just parked? I thought she was taking the bus?" Michaela asked.

Right as Michaela spoke I saw y/n get out of the car that just parked and she isn't alone.

"Shit. What is Bu Geon doing here?" I say.

"y/n probably invited him," Indica says as y/n gets to the group.

"Hey guys. I hope you don't mind that I invited Bu Geon to join us, he looked stressed and I though the park could help relieve the stress."

All of us greet him.

"If we had known you were joining us we would have got your ticket too," Amy says.

"Oh, that's alright. I was a last minute invite, I'll head in to get my ticket and meet you guys in there," Bu Geon replies.

"I'm going to go to the restroom really quick, I'll meet you guys inside," y/n says as she runs to the restrooms.

Lauren is the first to pull out her phone.

Lauren: CODE RED! y/n invited Bu Geon to join us so he is here too.

Yoongi: Shit! Do you think it will mess up our plan?

Michaela: y/n still doesn't see color around him so it shouldn't be a problem. Maybe if y/n suddenly sees color and meets Joon in front of him he will know that she found her soulmate and he will just be friends with her.

Jin: That's good, we aren't that far into the park so we should run into each other. Let's try to meet at the ferris wheel in 30 minutes.

After we make the plans of where to meet both y/n and Bu Geon are with us.

The first ride we go to is the bumper cars. y/n sure gets competitive when she is trying to win. She declared victory when she ended up pushing all of us in a corner.

We then went on the roller coaster. Bu Geon and y/n seemed to be the only ones that enjoyed it though. They screamed with joy and laughed at our screams of fear.

By the time the roller coaster ended it was about time to meet the guys at the ferris wheel.

When we get there I see the guys and they notice us at the same time. Joon looks in our direction but he doesn't seem to notice y/n yet as he hasn't ran away, but as they get in line I know he sees y/n because his eyes go wide and he is about to leave when He pauses and looks to the right of y/n where Bu Geon is standing. You can definitely see the jealousy in his face as he turns and gets back in line.

I hear y/n laughing and talking to Bu Geon so she hasn't notice the guys yet. I understand now why they are work spouses, they are so compatible and stuck to each other you would definitely think they were soulmates.

We are about to get in line right behind the guys when a group of kids run and shove themselves in front of us. When the kids shove themselves they nudge the guys too. When they felt this they all turned around and their eyes go wide knowing that the plan definitely didn't work as planned.

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