The Night Before

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After Joon headed to bed all of us started to freak out. Boy is he going to be surprised when he finds out y/n is his soulmate. I quickly text the girls telling them what happened.

Tae: We need to come up with a plan and fast. Are you guys free sometime tomorrow?

Chandler: We tomorrow after 5, did something happen?

Jin: Joon was having a day to himself and ran into y/n twice. Apparently he wasn't close enough to see color but he is kind of having a mental breakdown.

Michaela: Dang, maybe we should all meet for lunch instead of in the evening if he's that bad.

Jimin: Lunch works for us. Does the coffee shop work for every one?

All: Yep! See you tomorrow.


When we all agree to meet tomorrow for lunch to discuss the plan y/n skips through the door. She seems a lot more happy and relaxed than she has the past week.

"Looks like you had fun today. What did you all do?"

"I returned the books I finished and read for a bit and after I went to see the new exhibit at the museum, then I ate lunch with a friend."

We all turn ours heads, I'm surprised we didn't get whiplash from how fast we turned them.

"What, why did you all react that way?" y/n asked with an amused tone.

Sheka speaks up and asks the question we are all doing to know, "What friend did you eat dinner with?"

"Oh, I ate with Bu Geon from work. We ran into each other at the museum so we hung out the rest of the day. We ended up eat some BBQ and I had a little bit of soju."

"I would say a little more than a little bit. Who is Bu Geon though I don't recognize the name?" Chandler asks.

"Kim Bu Geon, you guys have met him before when you have brought me food during my late nights. He works in the PR department with me, we sit right next to each other."

"Ah I remember him now. I didn't know you were that close to him," I say.

"Yeah, we are like best friends at work. Do you know how people have work spouses? He's my work husband," y/n can't help but giggle at her comment.

"But I'm surprised his soulmate hasn't approached me about how close our work relationship is, she apparently works in the same department but has never approached me."

"What do you mean she apparently works there?" Sheka asks.

"Well, he says that he sees color when he is at work but I have never met her and he never talks about her nor have I've seen him talk to anyone else in the department. It's kind of weird cause when I recently asked him about her he was vague and all he said was that he first saw her a little over two years ago and that she is closer than I think," says y/n with a puzzled expression.

All of us look at each other like we know what he meant when he said those things.

"Well, I better head off to bed. I can feel the alcohol making me sleepy. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

Once y/n is in here room we all start to freak out.

Indica asks, "I don't remember y/n being such a talkative drunk. But aside from that are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?"

"If you are thinking that Emily is most likely Bu Geon's soulmate, but she's too oblivious to see it. Then yes I am thinking the same thing as you," I say

"I mean, it's the only explanation to why he see color at work and he isn't close to anyone else.," Michaela adds.

"If you think about it Emily started work at the company a little over two years and that when he said he first saw color, plus when I have dropped off food to her I saw how he looks at y/n. He was looking at her like she was his world but he also had a bit of sadness in his eyes and that could be because he can see color but y/n can't," Amy says.

"But if y/n is really his soulmate then why doesn't y/n see color when she is around him?" Chandler asks.

At this time Sheka brings up an article about a study of people having two soulmates. "It says that in rare cases a person can have more than one soulmate. It looks like in the few cases discussed you can get a second soulmate if your first was not faithful or ended up not working out."

"So that mean Bu Geon most likely had a soulmate but something happened between them so y/n became his second soulmate. Does that mean if it doesn't work out between Joon and y/n she will see color with Bu Geon? And what happens to Bu Geon if it works out between Joon and y/n " I ask.

"From the research reported, yes y/n will be able to see color with Bu Geon. It also says that if one soulmate does not need a second soulmate those relationships have become one of a family or close friend relationship," Sheka replies.

"Well, I think this is something the guys need to know about as soon as possible, I'll text them real quick," Chandler says.

Chandler: Guys, we may have a little problem. It's hard to explain over text so we will have to tell you in full detail tomorrow.

Jungkook: Okay, we have a problem here too. We have a lot to talk about when we meet tomorrow.

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