All Up To Fate pt. 2

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We get to our seats and I see y/n talking to one of the new groups from KQ. I was watching their interaction until they turned to take their seats.

As they were walking to the seats they greeted us before sitting down and they started talking about y/n.

"We are lucky to have y/n, I think we should thank her properly after the show."

"I agree, I know that it is her job but she always goes out of her way to help us."

I can't help but smile a little at their comments about y/n but they soon go away.

"If she is like this for us, whoever y/n's soulmate is sure is a lucky guy."

"Do you think she has found her soulmate yet?"

"I don't know but I overheard some of the staff say that she was Bu Geon's second chance soulmate."

After hearing about the second chance soulmate everything started to make sense with how Bu Geon acted around    y/n. Having this knowledge makes me happy knowing that y/n will have someone she can be with if her soulmate doesn't work out.

My thinking to myself was interrupted when Jungkook walked in front of me.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to talk to y/n real quick to see how she's feeling after last weekend."

"Oh okay."

Jungkook talks to y/n until they announce for people to take their seats and the show soon starts. We won the award we were nominated for and after the last award we received we went back stage to get ready for our performance.

I don't see y/n at all backstage but I do see her friends wearing HYBE staff shirts running around helping move supplies and equipment for the performance. We preform our songs perfectly and the boys run off the stage so I can perform my song. I can see from the people in the front of the crowd that they are confused about what is happening as a staff member brings out a microphone stand for me to use.

To lessen the confusion I decide to speak before I sing the song."

"I'm sure you all are confused right now but I will explain. About two months ago I was at a coffee shop and I saw color, I found my soulmate but when I approached the girl I thought it was I saw nothing and I lost her. So I wrote this song hoping when she hears it she will know and will come find me. The title of the song is called Color Flashes."


We were soon all off the stage other than Joon and decided to listen to Joon speak. When the music starts we head back to the dressing room and signal the girls to follow so we can talk.

We get to the room and before I close the door I make sure no one was near so we could all talk comfortably. We don't have much time before Joon will be here so Jungkook gets right to the point.

"y/n isn't Joon's soulmate."

"What how do you know?" Amy asked.

"Joon saw color at the zoo but when I asked y/n whether she has seen color she said she has only seen it at the coffee shop."

"So all the things we have done to get them together in the end they would have never seen color anyway," Lauren said as her voice slowly became more depressed.


I just finished the song and as I get off stage I can see the look of pity and sadness from those that I pass by.

I turn around the corner near our dressing room and I see someone crouching by our door. I stop close enough away so they could hear me call out but also far enough in case they are a sasaeng.

"Hey what are you doing?"

The person stands up but doesn't turn around.

"If you don't turn around I'm going to call security."

The person turns around I see that it is   y/n.

"Why were you listening through the door?"

She doesn't answer and I start to get irritated and raise my voice a little bit.

"Are you not going to explain yourself."

"Shush," she says as she put a finger in front of her lips.

"Did you just shush me, fine I'll just call security. Sec.."

I can't finish the word she is right in front of me with her hand covering my mouth. Both of our eyes are wide open with shock. I know shock is from seeing color but I can't tell if her shock is from her putting her hand over my mouth or from the possibility that she is seeing color too."


Definitely the latter. We stare at each other for a little until she notices that her hand is still covering my mouth.

"Oh sorry. To explain myself I saw my friends walk into your dressing room with the members so I was curious why so I couldn't help but listen and before you got here I heard them say your name and my name as well as soulmate so if you would like you can join me in on listening more but we have to be quiet."

I just nod my head still in shock and questioning if I am the only one freaking out that I found my soulmate.

We are soon back at the door ease dropping on our friends conversation. We hear them talking about what happened at the zoo and laser tag.

After hearing about all the things our friends said and how they are all soulmates, we leave and go to a room that Emily says is empty and will be a good place to talk.

As we walk to the room I grab y/n's hand and hold it the whole way to the room never letting go thinking if I was to let go I will loose her again. When I touched her hand she jumped a little bit then smiled at our hands then at me.

We get to the room and sit on the couch never letting go of each other hand as we talk about what has happened since first seeing color.

We talk for what feels like forever and then stare at each other enjoy the silence and each other's presence. That is when a question and thought comes to me.

"What doesn't make sense to me is the zoo. I saw color when I passed by you but why didn't you?"

"I don't know. I don't remember passing by you so could you describe what happened so I know when exactly you saw color."

"We were leaving the Red Panda enclosure with a large group."

"Okay I remember seeing that group."

"I saw color when the sidewalk sectioned off."

"I remember that too but I never saw color. Is there anything else you can remember, it's could be anything."

"I remember hearing a loud sneeze which I mistook for Taehyung."

"I was the one that sneezed! I've been told I sneeze like him."

"You also laugh like Jin but anyway, did you see a hint of color when you sneezed."

"I only laugh like Jin when I am laughing to much. But to answer your question I thought I saw color as I was closing my eyes but it happened too fast to recognize it."

"Why did you close your eyes?"

"What psychopath sneezes with their eyes open."

"Oh, right."

"Now that we got all that answered what are we going to do to get back at the others?" y/n asks.

See You in Color: Color FlashesWhere stories live. Discover now