Color Scheme: Operation Zoo

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I worked late so when I got home I went straight to my room to sleep and forgot to set an alarm so I wake up to the girls shaking me.

"y/n, you need to get up or we're going to be late for your birthday plans," said Chandler.

I turn and grab my phone to look at the time with my eyes barely open I see that it's still early.

"It's only 10:30 I can sleep for another 30 minutes and be fine."

"No we won't. We have lunch reservations at 12 so if you want to get there on time you need hurry and get up now," Lauren says.

"Fine, but you guys know that I don't take as long as your guys to get ready. Don't you remember in college I would get ready for class in like 10 minutes."

"Yes, but you always wore sweats and a shirt in college. Today is different, it's your birthday weekend you should dress nice," Michaela says.

"You do know that with us going to the outdoor laser tag later I'm just going to wear yoga pants and a sweatshirt so there is no need for me to dress nice, right?"

"Shit. Didn't think about that. You should still put on a little make up, you never know who you will run into," Sheka says as they leave my room.

I get out of bed to start getting ready. I decide to wear leggings and a sweatshirt to keep warm. The weather forecast a chance of light snow so I make sure to grab my gloves so my hands don't get too cold during laser tag.

As I get to the kitchen I look at what the girls are wearing. They are wearing skinny jeans and heeled boots, they are definitely not dressed for laser tag.

"You guys may want to change. The outdoor laser tag consists of a lot of squatting and running so skinny jeans and heeled boots may not be good things to wear. Plus there is a chance for snow so make sure you grab whatever you need to stay warm."

The girls look at each other and then their clothes.

"That's probably a good idea," Indica says as they all head to their rooms to change.

By the time the girls finished changing it was time to leave for the restaurant.

"If we want to get to the restaurant on time we need to hurry," I say with a smirk on my face.

"Oh shut up," Lauren jokes as she grabs her car keys and locks the door.

"Oh I almost forgot to tell you guys. Bu Geon wants to treat me to a birthday dinner tomorrow so I will be with him tomorrow night," I say.

As I said this the girls stop dead in their tracks which makes me run into Indica.

"Sorry Indica didn't mean to run into you."

"It's alright," she replies.

After Indica replies we start walking again.

"So... is it going to be a date?" Chandler asks.

"No. I told him to invite his soulmate so I could finally meet her so it's not going to be a date."

"Oh, okay sounds like it will be fun," Sheka says as she gives a subtle enough look for y/n not to notice. While Lauren texts the guys what Bu Geon plans to do.

After we ate at the restaurant we head to the zoo. And I text Bu Geon that we are headed to the zoo and to meet us there.

"What did you guys think about the restaurant?" Amy asks.

"It was amazing but a little on the expensive end. Definitely a place for special occasions and not everyday eating," I say.

"Agreed," the rest say in unison.

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