Fates Song

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For the past week the guys have been helping me get my mind off of what happened Friday. I have been trying my best to keep it off of my mind so I have been keeping myself pretty busy, but it comes right back whenever I'm not doing something.

The guys have been a great support for me this past week so when they stop by my studio to tell me that they are headed out early and ask whether I'll be alright by myself I let them know that it is fine.

"You guys have been amazing helping me get through this, you deserve a break and sometime to yourselves."

"Are you sure?" Asked Jin.

"Yes, I am sure I can tell in your faces you guys are tired so go home and rest. I'll be fine."

"Okay, we will see you at home tonight then."

Once they all leave I turn to my computer and listen to a song that I have been stuck on for the past few days. I have the instrumental down, it is just finding the lyrics that are right for it that has me at a halt.

Whenever I listen to it I can't help but think back to that day and that's why I have been stuck on it, but listening to it now feels different. Then it comes to me, I have been letting the incident prevent me from writing finding the perfect lyrics, but now I think I can use the incident as an advantage and possibly a way to find my soulmate.

I begin writing the lyrics and I can't stop. God I hope she listens to our music if not I don't know whether this will work.

By the time I am finished writing and putting the song together it is around 11pm. I save the file on my computer as well as a flash drive so I can show the guys. I know they will most likely be asleep by the time I get home, but I need to show them the song and tell them my plan.

Once I am home I run to my room to grab my laptop and set it to show the guys. Jungkook and Tae are up and in the living room watching a movie. When they see how frantic I am being they shut the TV off.

"Hyung, what's wrong?" Asks Jungkook

"Tell the others to come out, I need to show and tell everyone something."

"O.. okay," replies Tae.

Both head to the other rooms to wake them up. Yoongi is the last one to come out and he's not looking to happy.

"Sorry I had to wake you guys, but I finished the song."

All of them show a look of surprise and excitement. I hit play on the song and when the song is finished playing they start to smile.

"Joon the song is incredible," Jin says.

"Thanks hyung!"

"So how are thinking the lines should be distributed?" Asks Jimin

"I actually want it to be a solo song."

They all look at me a little confused.

"I wrote the song thinking about my soulmate and what happened that day hoping that if she was to hear it she will know who her soulmate is."

"How do you plan to do that? Our next album won't be released until next year. Are you sure you could wait that long for her to hear it?" Asked Hobi.

"I actually was going to get with the production team to see if we could switch things around so I could sing it at the award show next month," I say.

The guys nod their head in understanding, but give each other a weird look. I choose to ignore it thinking it's from the lack of sleep they have had.

"It's pretty late and I know you all are tired so I'm going to head to my room and prepare for the show. Thank you for all you guys have done for me this past week, I'll see you guys tomorrow."

Once I am in my room I listen to the song over again and begin to contact Bang PD and the production team about the possibly change. I know they won't answer until tomorrow, but I still wanted contact them before I head to bed.

My mind is racing with ideas for the performance that it takes me a while to fall asleep, but I know I'm going to sleep happy and with anticipation for the coming month.

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