Color Scheme: Operation Nature

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The movie credits just ended and we are leaving the theater. There is a group of guys walking out of theater 2 and I can't help but notice that they look familiar.

I get ready to nudge Michaela to point the group out to see if she recognizes them, but once the tallest in the group turns around as they walk by I knew right away that it was BTS. I internally start freaking out, I know I work for an entertainment company so I have been around a handful of groups but BTS is my all time favorite group and I have never had the chance to meet them in person.

I would love to go up and ask for a photo but seeing that they are putting hats and masks on I know that they don't want to be disturbed so I decide against it.

I turn to the girls to talk to them, but they are all on their phones. Instead of trying to get their attention away from their phones I just say.

"I'm headed to the restroom, don't wait up for me I'll meet you guys at the car."

Michaela looks up from her phone. "Okay, we have something else planned to do as well after this. So we will pick you up by the doors."

Once I am finished and at the doors I see the girls pull up and hop in the car.

"So where are we headed to now?"

"There is a nature trail near by that we thought you would enjoy," replies Indica.

"We know how much you love hiking and we thought so fresh air would be nice and help clear your mind. I even I heard that there is a waterfall so we can finish the hike there to take pictures" Sheka adds.

"Ooo that sounds fun."


The movie ended from my peripheral I notice the cute girl from earlier looking at us like she is trying to figure out who we are. When I turn my face to put my mask on is when she recognizes who we are. Her eyes get wide with excitement, she must be a fan.

"Cute," I say to myself.

"What? Hyung did you say something?" Asked Jungkook.

"Oh, nothing I was just talking to myself."

I must of said it a little louder than I though it did. The girl must of decided against approaching us since she is not looking our way and is talking to her friends.

When we get to the car I see Yoongi putting an address into the gps.

"Why are you putting the address in? You know where the apartment is."

Hobi speaks up, "There is a nature trail near by that we thought you would like so we are going there."

"Oh okay, it's a good thing I wore comfortable shoes then."

At nature trail


I pull into the parking lot outside the trail. Everyone gets out of the car. I start looking around to see if I can see the girls anywhere but the parking lot is vacant. They must have left after us. Everyone tried to stay behind to wait for them but Joon starts walking towards the trail and when he notices us not following he looks confused.

"Why are you guys staying back?"

Jungkook immediately starts doing some stretches and the other follow suit.

"If we are going to be hiking and climbing we should do some stretching so we don't injure ourselves," replies Jungkook.

"I doubt there will be much climbing so I'll skip on the stretching. I'm going to go ahead and start while you guys do that," replies Joon.

He starts walking off and goes to the left before any of us can stop him.

"(Sigh) it's like fate doesn't want him to meet y/n," says Jimin.

"He said she was pretty when he saw her at the theater, why do think he didn't approach her?" Asked Tae.

"It was probably because she was with the others and he really didn't want to be late for the movie. Let's just catch up with Joon and text the girls, maybe we could try to meet up at the waterfall." I say.


As we got closer to the trails parking lot we get a text from the guys that Joon was in a hurry and started already and that they would meet us at the waterfall. Why does this keep happening, nothing is going right today.

Once we park and get out of the car, y/n starts stretching and we look at her with eyes that tells a person to hurry up. That's when she looks up.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that? You said there is a waterfall so that means there will me things we need to climb to get to it so you need to stretch not to get injured. You guys should do it too, cause if any of you get injured it's going to be hard to get you back to the car."

All of us sigh in unison and start doing to quick stretches.

"Okay, everyone ready?" y/n asked as she heads to the trail and goes right.

Dang, why does she have to so fast and take the rougher trail. It's a good thing she made us stretch cause I don't think any of us would be able to keep up with her if we didn't and we for sure would have injured ourselves by how much we have been climbing.

After 30 minutes of hiking we could finally hear the sound of the waterfall and nothing sounded more amazing. Once we were at the waterfall six of us find a big rock collapsed on it to catch our breaths. But of course y/n is climbing on the other rocks to get closer.

"How can she keep going?" Chandler asks.

"My question is, how is she not sweating? She hasn't even broke a sweat while we are drenched," Sheka says.

"She has always been like that, no matter how long of a workout or exercise she does, she rarely sweats," I say

"Where do you think the guys are at they started before us but I haven't seen them?" Amy asks.


Before we got the the waterfall we had to turn around because Joon got a cramp in his leg while climbing over a rock and slipped. His hands got scrapped pretty bad and he twisted his ankle pretty bad too.

"I told you that you need to stretch so you don't get injured," Jungkook sarcastically said while carrying him to the car.

"Shut up Jungkook! I was going at a decent pace how could I know that I would get a cramp climbing the one rock we have come across," retorted Joon.

"We need to make sure that once we get to the car to grab the first aid kit," I say.

We get to the car a couple minutes later and Yoongi pops the track and grabs the first aid kit while Jungkook sets Joon in the seat. Hobi stats to put the antibiotic cream on Joon's cuts. While Hobi is putting the last bandage on we get a text from Sheka asking us where we are.

Sheka: We are at the waterfall, are you guys close yet?

Jin: Not even close, Joon got a cramp and injured himself climbing over a rock.

Jungkook: It wouldn't have happened if he listened to me when I told him to stretch.

Chandler: It was a good thing y/n made us stretch otherwise all of us would be like Joon.

Yoongi: What are we going to do now? Both of our plans didn't work out like we though they would.

Lauren: We still have a month to get them to meet. I'm sure we can think of a way they can meet, but we should come up with more than one idea in case something happens like today.

Jin: Okay, let's take the rest of the day to brainstorm ideas and talk about them tomorrow. We will talk to you guys later.

All: Okay!

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